infinyon / fluvio

Lean and mean distributed stream processing system written in rust and web assembly. Alternative to Kafka + Flink in one.
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Tracking: Review the interface of the CLI #240

Closed nicholastmosher closed 3 years ago

nicholastmosher commented 4 years ago

We should review the interface of the CLI and investigate whether there are any changes we would like to make in order to make it more understandable or intuitive. Then, we need to update our high-level documentation to reflect any changes in the command-line options. We may also want to consider adding doc tests to the CLI crate to make sure we get a build break whenever we make a breaking change to the CLI.

We should evaluate the following aspects of the CLI:

After evaluating the interface and deciding on any changes, we should do the following:

Change Proposals

I'm going to break proposals out into their own issues in order to address them individually. Please see the following issues for discussion:

Examining existing commands

Since our subcommands are so nested, it can be hard to think about how many individual commands we really have. Here I lay out all of the "leaf" commands, the ones that perform actions when given the right arguments. This will give us a good starting point when deciding if any of these need rearranging.

fluvio consume                           Reads messages from a topic/partition
fluvio produce                           Writes messages to a topic/partition
fluvio version                           Prints the current fluvio version information
fluvio spu list                          List custom & managed SPUs
fluvio spu-group create                  Create managed SPU group
fluvio spu-group delete                  Delete managed SPU group
fluvio spu-group list                    List managed SPU groups
fluvio custom-spu register               Create custom SPU
fluvio custom-spu unregister             Delete custom SPU
fluvio custom-spu list                   List custom SPUs
fluvio topic create                      Creates a topic
fluvio topic delete                      Deletes a topic
fluvio topic describe                    Shows details of a topic
fluvio topic list                        Shows all topics
fluvio partition list                    Show all partitions
fluvio profile current                   Display the current context
fluvio profile delete                    Delete the named profile
fluvio profile delete-cluster            Delete the named cluster
fluvio profile switch                    Switch to the named profile
fluvio profile sync k8                   sync profile from kubernetes cluster
fluvio profile sync local                sync profile from local cluster
fluvio profile sync cloud                sync profile from Fluvio Cloud
fluvio profile view                      Display entire configuration
fluvio cluster set-minikube-context      set my own context
fluvio cluster install                   install cluster
fluvio cluster uninstall                 uninstall cluster
fluvio cluster check                     perform checks
fluvio cluster releases list             release information

Examining existing arguments

For each subcommand leaf, I'm going to list the possible arguments for that command. This will help us to see whether there are any good candidates for global arguments or other factorizations

fluvio consume                           Reads messages from a topic/partition
    -B, --from-beginning        Start reading from beginning
    -d, --disable-continuous    disable continuous processing of messages
    -s, --suppress-unknown      Suppress items items that have an unknown output type
        --tls                   Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert    TLS: use client cert

    -p, --partition <integer>          Partition id [default: 0]
    -o, --offset <integer>             Offsets can be positive or negative. (Syntax for negative offset: --offset="-1")
    -b, --maxbytes <integer>           Maximum number of bytes to be retrieved
    -O, --output <type>                Output [default: dynamic]  [possible values: dynamic, text, binary, json, raw]
    -c, --cluster <host:port>          Address of cluster
        --domain <domain>              Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>            Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>    Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>      Path to TLS client private key
    -P, --profile <profile>

    <string>    Topic name
fluvio produce                           Writes messages to a topic/partition
    -C, --continuous            Send messages in an infinite loop
        --tls                   Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert    TLS: use client cert

    -p, --partition <integer>           Partition id [default: 0]
    -l, --record-per-line <filename>    Each line is a Record
    -r, --record-file <filename>...     Entire file is a Record (multiple)
    -c, --cluster <host:port>           Address of cluster
        --domain <domain>               Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>             Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>     Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>       Path to TLS client private key
    -P, --profile <profile>

    <topic>    Topic name
fluvio version                           Prints the current fluvio version information
fluvio spu list                          List custom & managed SPUs
        --tls                   Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert    TLS: use client cert

    -O, --output <type>                Output [possible values: table, yaml, json]
    -c, --cluster <host:port>          Address of cluster
        --domain <domain>              Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>            Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>    Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>      Path to TLS client private key
    -P, --profile <profile>
fluvio spu-group create                  Create managed SPU group
        --tls                   Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert    TLS: use client cert

    -r, --replicas <integer>           SPU replicas [default: 1]
        --min-id <min-id>              Minimum SPU id (default: 1) [default: 1]
        --rack <string>                Rack name
        --storage-size <string>        storage size
    -c, --cluster <host:port>          Address of cluster
        --domain <domain>              Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>            Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>    Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>      Path to TLS client private key
    -P, --profile <profile>

    <string>    Managed SPU group name
fluvio spu-group delete                  Delete managed SPU group
        --tls                   Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert    TLS: use client cert

    -n, --name <string>                Managed SPU group name
    -c, --cluster <host:port>          Address of cluster
        --domain <domain>              Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>            Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>    Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>      Path to TLS client private key
    -P, --profile <profile>
fluvio spu-group list                    List managed SPU groups
        --tls                   Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert    TLS: use client cert

    -O, --output <type>                Output [possible values: table, yaml, json]
    -c, --cluster <host:port>          Address of cluster
        --domain <domain>              Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>            Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>    Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>      Path to TLS client private key
    -P, --profile <profile>
fluvio custom-spu register               Create custom SPU
        --tls                   Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert    TLS: use client cert

    -i, --id <id>                       SPU id
    -n, --name <string>                 SPU name
    -r, --rack <string>                 Rack name
    -p, --public-server <host:port>     Public server::port
    -v, --private-server <host:port>    Private server::port
    -c, --cluster <host:port>           Address of cluster
        --domain <domain>               Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>             Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>     Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>       Path to TLS client private key
    -P, --profile <profile>
fluvio custom-spu unregister             Delete custom SPU
        --tls                   Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert    TLS: use client cert

    -i, --id <id>                      SPU id
    -n, --name <string>                SPU name
    -c, --cluster <host:port>          Address of cluster
        --domain <domain>              Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>            Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>    Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>      Path to TLS client private key
    -P, --profile <profile>
fluvio custom-spu list                   List custom SPUs
        --tls                   Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert    TLS: use client cert

    -O, --output <type>                Output [possible values: table, yaml, json]
    -c, --cluster <host:port>          Address of cluster
        --domain <domain>              Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>            Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>    Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>      Path to TLS client private key
    -P, --profile <profile>
fluvio topic create                      Creates a topic
    -i, --ignore-rack-assignment    Ignore racks while computing replica assignment
    -d, --dry-run                   Validates configuration, does not provision
        --tls                       Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert        TLS: use client cert

    -p, --partitions <partitions>           Number of partitions [default: 1]
    -r, --replication <integer>             Replication factor per partition [default: 1]
    -f, --replica-assignment <file.json>    Replica assignment file
    -c, --cluster <host:port>               Address of cluster
        --domain <domain>                   Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>                 Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>         Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>           Path to TLS client private key
    -P, --profile <profile>

    <topic-name>    Topic name
fluvio topic delete                      Deletes a topic
        --tls                   Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert    TLS: use client cert

    -c, --cluster <host:port>          Address of cluster
        --domain <domain>              Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>            Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>    Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>      Path to TLS client private key
    -P, --profile <profile>

fluvio topic describe                    Shows details of a topic
        --tls                   Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert    TLS: use client cert

    -O, --output <type>                Output [possible values: table, yaml, json]
    -c, --cluster <host:port>          Address of cluster
        --domain <domain>              Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>            Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>    Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>      Path to TLS client private key
    -P, --profile <profile>

    <string>    Topic filter
fluvio topic list                        Shows all topics
        --tls                   Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert    TLS: use client cert

    -o, --output <type>                Output [possible values: table, yaml, json]
    -c, --cluster <host:port>          Address of cluster
        --domain <domain>              Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>            Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>    Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>      Path to TLS client private key
    -P, --profile <profile>
fluvio partition list                    Show all partitions
        --tls                   Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert    TLS: use client cert

    -O, --output <type>                Output [possible values: table, yaml, json]
    -c, --cluster <host:port>          Address of cluster
        --domain <domain>              Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>            Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>    Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>      Path to TLS client private key
    -P, --profile <profile>
fluvio profile current                   Display the current context
fluvio profile delete                    Delete the named profile
    <profile name>
fluvio profile delete-cluster            Delete the named cluster
    -f, --force    Deletes a cluster even if its active

    <cluster name>    The name of a cluster connection to delete
fluvio profile switch                    Switch to the named profile
    <profile name>
fluvio profile sync k8
        --tls                   Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert    TLS: use client cert

    -n, --namespace <namespace>        kubernetes namespace,
        --domain <domain>              Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>            Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>    Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>      Path to TLS client private key

    <name>    profile name
fluvio profile sync local
        --tls                   Enable TLS
        --enable-client-cert    TLS: use client cert

        --domain <domain>              Required if client cert is used
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>            Path to TLS ca cert, required when client cert is enabled
        --client-cert <client-cert>    Path to TLS client certificate
        --client-key <client-key>      Path to TLS client private key

    <host:port>     [default: localhost:9003]
fluvio profile sync cloud
    -e, --email <email>      Fluvio Cloud email to use for logging in
        --remote <remote>    Fluvio Cloud remote address to use
fluvio profile view                      Display entire configuration
fluvio cluster set-minikube-context      set my own context
        --name <name>    set context name
fluvio cluster install                   install cluster
        --develop                  use local image
        --sys                      installing sys
        --local                    install local spu/sc(custom)
        --tls                      Whether to use TLS

        --chart-version <chart-version>      k8: use specific chart version [default: 0.6.0-alpha.2]
        --image-version <image-version>      k8: use specific image version
        --registry <registry>                k8: use custom docker registry
        --namespace <namespace>              k8 [default: default]
        --group-name <group-name>            k8 [default: main]
        --install-name <install-name>        helm chart installation name [default: fluvio]
        --chart-location <chart-location>    Local path to a helm chart to install
        --cloud <cloud>                      k8 [default: minikube]
        --spu <spu>                          number of SPU [default: 1]
        --rust-log <rust-log>                RUST_LOG options
        --log-dir <log-dir>                  log dir
        --domain <domain>                    TLS: domain
        --ca-cert <ca-cert>                  TLS: ca cert
        --client-cert <client-cert>          TLS: client cert
        --client-key <client-key>            TLS: client key
        --server-cert <server-cert>          TLS: path to server certificate
        --server-key <server-key>            TLS: path to server private key
fluvio cluster uninstall                 uninstall cluster
        --no-wait    don't wait for clean up
        --local      uninstall local spu/sc(custom)
        --sys        removing sys chart

        --namespace <namespace>     [default: default]
        --name <name>               [default: fluvio]
fluvio cluster check                     perform checks
        --pre-install    run pre-install checks
fluvio cluster releases list             release information
nicholastmosher commented 3 years ago

Closing this, we can open issues for specific changes in the future