infinyon / fluvio

Lean and mean distributed stream processing system written in rust and web assembly.
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Key Value API #4066

Open jayeshpk1 opened 2 weeks ago

jayeshpk1 commented 2 weeks ago

I really like fluvio. Thank you. Is it possible to expose the key value api? I am sure there is one that you use under the cover for de-dupe messages.

sehz commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @jayeshpk1 , yes, we are thinking of doing that. It will just will take some time to figure out API. Any suggestion?

jayeshpk1 commented 2 weeks ago

I can help if you can point me in the right direction

jayeshpk1 commented 2 weeks ago

I would like to see set, get, delete, replace and some batching capability.

sehz commented 2 weeks ago

Something like this:

pub trait ByteKv {

      async fn get_keys(&self, query: KeyQueryParam) -> KeyStream;
      async fn get_key(&self, key: &Key) -> Option<KeyValue>;
      async fn get_key_values(&self, KeyValueQueryParam ) ->  KeyValueStream;
      async fn update_value(&self, ,key: &Key, value: Value) -> Option<Value>:

      // key can no longer be allowed to update
      async fn disable_key(&self,key: &Key);

      // no longer can be update nor retrieval,  it would be still in storage
      async fn forget_key(&self, key: &Key);

      // make sure it is flushed to persistent
      async fn flush(&self);


Key and Values are arbitrary byte values. If you want higher level with type abstraction then wait for SDF. Anyway, this is first sketch.

jayeshpk1 commented 2 weeks ago

Yes. That will work. Thanks.

digikata commented 1 week ago

You might also look at uses of the fluvio-kv-storage crate. Internally, we use that for things like offset management in fluvio-spu/src/kv/ It's a pretty focused implementation, so you would have to evaluate if it fits your dedupe case.