If I modify intervals to some small value or comment out whole refreshClock and Intervals function - timer seems to counting very slow.
I think that when I'm using refreshClock function to display time at LCD, even with 1000milis (default) intervals - it's counting a little bit slower than real time. When I'm using my own function (based on millis() ) to refresh LCD and leaving refreschClock function empty - it's seems to count with realtime
If I modify intervals to some small value or comment out whole refreshClock and Intervals function - timer seems to counting very slow. I think that when I'm using refreshClock function to display time at LCD, even with 1000milis (default) intervals - it's counting a little bit slower than real time. When I'm using my own function (based on millis() ) to refresh LCD and leaving refreschClock function empty - it's seems to count with realtime