influenist / Mi-NB-Gaming-Laptop-MacOS

MacOS effort for Xiaomi Notebook (Air/Pro) & Gaming Laptop series
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Can't boot without KernelPM enabled #5

Closed francescobabbaro closed 5 years ago

francescobabbaro commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your latest release! I noticed that in the config.plist, KernelPM isn't enabled like in the previous release and without it notebook doesn't boot (enabling it I have no problem).

influenist commented 5 years ago

Which CPU do you have? Perhaps you have got any old kext in /L/E? If so, please remove them.

Kernel PM and all other power options have been removed as it is handled by MacOS natively via kext CPUFriend and CPUFrienddataprovider. CPU should idle now at 600mhz.

francescobabbaro commented 5 years ago

My CPU is the 7y30. I believe that I added no kexts in that folder, but if you tell me that the system should boot without that patch, I'll try with a new clean installation.

However, my CPU never goes under 800 mHz.

influenist commented 5 years ago

Reinstall should not be needed. Do you have Gitter? I would like to check your install.

Regarding the frequency, 600 mhz is exceptional under low load.

francescobabbaro commented 5 years ago

I don't know how gitter works in details, I used it one time, but yes, tell me what to do.

influenist commented 5 years ago

@francescobabbaro please open up terminal and provide the output of:

sudo ls -lah /L*/E* sudo ls -lah /S*/L*/E*

Mount your EFI sudo ls -lah /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other/

sudo ls -lah /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/kext/

francescobabbaro commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I'm not at home now, I'll do it tomorrow as soon as possible. Thanks for the support, I really appreciate your work.

francescobabbaro commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the waiting: this is a txt file with the terminal outputs of the commands you said me. Terminal output.txt

influenist commented 5 years ago

Please drop the file and try to boot again: sudo rm /Volumes/EFI/EFI/ACPI/patched/SSDT-PluginType1.aml

MarshalX commented 5 years ago

My output: output.txt

Please drop the file and try to boot again: sudo rm /Volumes/EFI/EFI/ACPI/patched/SSDT-PluginType1.aml

I deleted the file /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched/SSDT-PluginType1.aml. Nothing changed

francescobabbaro commented 5 years ago

Please drop the file and try to boot again: sudo rm /Volumes/EFI/EFI/ACPI/patched/SSDT-PluginType1.aml

Tried: unfortunately nothing changed :-(.

influenist commented 5 years ago

Please try:

JessicaJobs commented 5 years ago

Still can't boot with the new one

influenist commented 5 years ago

In that case, please turn on the keepsyms flag in clover and provide the KP log.

influenist commented 5 years ago

@JessicaJobs which MacOS version are you on?

MarshalX commented 5 years ago

In that case, please turn on the keepsyms flag in clover and provide the KP log.

Sorry, I really do not know where to get the log in text format log

influenist commented 5 years ago

@MarshalX with kernelPM you are able to boot?

MarshalX commented 5 years ago

@MarshalX with kernelPM you are able to boot?


influenist commented 5 years ago

I also noticed this same error when swapping my SSD to the m5 12.5 variant. Please try and boot the laptop with adding the following file /EFI/Clover/drivers64UEFI and get back to me.

MarshalX commented 5 years ago

I also noticed this same error when swapping my SSD to the m5 12.5 variant. Please try and boot the laptop with adding the following file /EFI/Clover/drivers64UEFI and get back to me.

Nothing changed

influenist commented 5 years ago

Ok, please remove it again. On basis of your screen it looks like RAM related issue. I removed the mapping from this config.plist. Please try it. If your systems hangs again, please try to make a clear picture of the verbose output. (-:


MarshalX commented 5 years ago

Ok, please remove it again. On basis of your screen it looks like RAM related issue. I removed the mapping from this config.plist. Please try it. If your systems hangs again, please try to make a clear picture of the verbose output. (-:


Exactly the same output as above, except for one line. RegisterRestartDataProtocol: called. 0x78271dd8

influenist commented 5 years ago

Please revert and try the following in /EFI/Clover/drivers64UEFI

MarshalX commented 5 years ago

Please revert and try the following in /EFI/Clover/drivers64UEFI

Revert old config?

influenist commented 5 years ago


MarshalX commented 5 years ago

Please revert and try the following in /EFI/Clover/drivers64UEFI

Nothing changed

influenist commented 5 years ago

Ok, ill test the later today on my m5 12.5 as I think its the same issue. Please boot with kernelPM for now.

influenist commented 5 years ago

@stevezhengshiqi maybe you got any clue on this issue?

influenist commented 5 years ago

@MarshalX Do you perhaps have an NVME installed in the second slot?

MarshalX commented 5 years ago

@MarshalX Do you perhaps have an NVME installed in the second slot?

Not. I did not modify the laptop

francescobabbaro commented 5 years ago

@MarshalX Do you perhaps have an NVME installed in the second slot?

I did not modify the laptop, too. The strange fact is that the user of the #7, who have done a clean installation of 10.14.3, doesn't have our problem. I'd like to try a clean installation, because I did some modifications to EFI, kexts ecc since I installed the 10.14.1, although I think I revert back all the modifications, I could have forgotten something. Unfortunately, I don't have much time in this period and I use the laptop for university...

influenist commented 5 years ago

My install comes back from HS. So clean or not, that shouldn't be the issue here. Ur booting from USB, correct?

I think it might optionally be BIOS related

francescobabbaro commented 5 years ago

My install comes back from HS. So clean or not, that shouldn't be the issue here. Ur booting from USB, correct?

I think it might optionally be BIOS related

No, I'm booting from SSD. I remember that I wasn't able to boot the MacOS installation from USB with your EFI (one of the first release) because I got the symbol of "prohibition" (I don't know what's the correct word in English). The same EFI folder worked perfectly booting from SSD after the installation of the system.

influenist commented 5 years ago

Which filesystem type do you guys use? APFS of HFS?

MarshalX commented 5 years ago

My install comes back from HS. So clean or not, that shouldn't be the issue here. Ur booting from USB, correct?

I think it might optionally be BIOS related

My booting from USB is correct.

Which filesystem type do you guys use? APFS of HFS?

On Mojave we have way to use HFS? I use APFS

francescobabbaro commented 5 years ago

Which filesystem type do you guys use? APFS of HFS?

APFS, too. I tried with USB and the system boots with the same EFI folder on the SSD (KernelPM enabled). I don't know why when I was trying to install macOS sometime ago with this EFI folder (previous release), system didn't boot.

MarshalX commented 5 years ago

Who can explain to me why we want to run systems without this patch (kernelPM)?

MarshalX commented 5 years ago

Which filesystem type do you guys use? APFS of HFS?

APFS, too. I tried with USB and the system boots perfectly.

Do not throw me. Are you sure you started from a flash drive? :D

francescobabbaro commented 5 years ago

Which filesystem type do you guys use? APFS of HFS?

APFS, too. I tried with USB and the system boots perfectly.

Do not throw me. Are you sure you started from a flash drive? :D

Sorry...I'm tired and my English is very bad. I've corrected the comment.

influenist commented 5 years ago

Solved with latest release Seems some boards have loacked CPU MSR 0xE2. By removing the flag from the config clover auto detects if the patch is needed or not.

influenist commented 5 years ago