influitive / apartment

Database multi-tenancy for Rack (and Rails) applications
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running two queries on the same migration fails #597

Closed lcjury closed 5 years ago

lcjury commented 5 years ago

I have a migration with the following code:

def up
    execute("UPDATE #{Apartment::Tenant.current}.job SET x_date = start_date")
    execute("UPDATE #{Apartment::Tenant.current}.job SET end_date = start_date")

and it fails with the following error:

PG::InsufficientPrivilege: ERROR: permission denied for schema first_client_schema LINE 1: SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "first_client_schema"."employees" x ... QUERY: SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "first_client_schema"."employees" x WHERE "id" OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1 FOR KEY SHARE OF x

Notice that, job and employee (from the error) are not the same table!

if I change the migration to have only one executestatement it works without problems, I have issues when I have more than one.

System configuration

lcjury commented 5 years ago

Additional information:

I'm able to reproduce this through the rails cli running a migration after switching to another tenant.

Apartment::Tenant.switch!("some_schema"), ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths, 20190108141736)

That code fails with the same error shown before. But the following code work correctly:, ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths, 20190108141736)
lcjury commented 5 years ago

Apparently, this issue is related to dumps/restore.

I was moving my no-apartment databases using the following script to dump the data:

psql -h $HOST -U $USER -c "alter schema public rename to $SCHEMA_NAME;" $DB_NAME
pg_dump -F plain -h $HOST -U $USER -d $DB_NAME -n $SCHEMA_NAME --file $DUMP_FILE
psql -h $HOST -U $USER -c "alter schema $SCHEMA_NAME rename to public;" $DB_NAME

Then I just restored then using running them with psql.

What I'm doing now: Instead of dumping the whole database, I'm dumping only the data, excluding the ar_internal_metadata and the schema_migrations. I only need to be carefull that the schema version on the recently created schema matchs the dump versions.

mikecmpbll commented 5 years ago

am i right in assuming it's not apartment related, or?