influitive / apartment

Database multi-tenancy for Rack (and Rails) applications
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Rails Apartment: Adding www. redirects to public tenant #623

Open ChaseFlorom opened 4 years ago

ChaseFlorom commented 4 years ago

My stack overflow question:

Steps to reproduce

Set up a domain with google, connected it with heroku and added wildcard domains. Made a new rails project and set up apartment using subdomain elevator. Added WWW to excluded domains

Expected behavior would take me to the tenant1 tenant.

Actual behavior takes me to the public domain

System configuration

# You can have Apartment route to the appropriate Tenant by adding some Rack middleware.
# Apartment can support many different "Elevators" that can take care of this routing to your data.
# Require whichever Elevator you're using below or none if you have a custom one.
# require 'apartment/elevators/generic'
# require 'apartment/elevators/domain'
require 'apartment/elevators/subdomain'
# require 'apartment/elevators/first_subdomain'
# require 'apartment/elevators/host'

# Apartment Configuration
Apartment.configure do |config|

  Apartment::Elevators::Subdomain.excluded_subdomains = ['www']

  # Add any models that you do not want to be multi-tenanted, but remain in the global (public) namespace.
  # A typical example would be a Customer or Tenant model that stores each Tenant's information.
   config.excluded_models = %w{ User }

  # In order to migrate all of your Tenants you need to provide a list of Tenant names to Apartment.
  # You can make this dynamic by providing a Proc object to be called on migrations.
  # This object should yield either:
  # - an array of strings representing each Tenant name.
  # - a hash which keys are tenant names, and values custom db config (must contain all key/values required in database.yml)
  # config.tenant_names = lambda{ Customer.pluck(:tenant_name) }
  # config.tenant_names = ['tenant1', 'tenant2']
  # config.tenant_names = {
  #   'tenant1' => {
  #     adapter: 'postgresql',
  #     host: 'some_server',
  #     port: 5555,
  #     database: 'postgres' # this is not the name of the tenant's db
  #                          # but the name of the database to connect to before creating the tenant's db
  #                          # mandatory in postgresql
  #   },
  #   'tenant2' => {
  #     adapter:  'postgresql',
  #     database: 'postgres' # this is not the name of the tenant's db
  #                          # but the name of the database to connect to before creating the tenant's db
  #                          # mandatory in postgresql
  #   }
  # }
  # config.tenant_names = lambda do
  #   Tenant.all.each_with_object({}) do |tenant, hash|
  #     hash[] = tenant.db_configuration
  #   end
  # end
  config.tenant_names = lambda { User.pluck :subdomain }

  # PostgreSQL:
  #   Specifies whether to use PostgreSQL schemas or create a new database per Tenant.
  # MySQL:
  #   Specifies whether to switch databases by using `use` statement or re-establish connection.
  # The default behaviour is true.
  # config.use_schemas = true

  # ==> PostgreSQL only options

  # Apartment can be forced to use raw SQL dumps instead of schema.rb for creating new schemas.
  # Use this when you are using some extra features in PostgreSQL that can't be represented in
  # schema.rb, like materialized views etc. (only applies with use_schemas set to true).
  # (Note: this option doesn't use db/structure.sql, it creates SQL dump by executing pg_dump)
  # config.use_sql = false

  # There are cases where you might want some schemas to always be in your search_path
  # e.g when using a PostgreSQL extension like hstore.
  # Any schemas added here will be available along with your selected Tenant.
  # config.persistent_schemas = %w{ hstore }

  # <== PostgreSQL only options

  # By default, and only when not using PostgreSQL schemas, Apartment will prepend the environment
  # to the tenant name to ensure there is no conflict between your environments.
  # This is mainly for the benefit of your development and test environments.
  # Uncomment the line below if you want to disable this behaviour in production.
  # config.prepend_environment = !Rails.env.production?

  # When using PostgreSQL schemas, the database dump will be namespaced, and
  # apartment will substitute the default namespace (usually public) with the
  # name of the new tenant when creating a new tenant. Some items must maintain
  # a reference to the default namespace (ie public) - for instance, a default
  # uuid generation. Uncomment the line below to create a list of namespaced
  # items in the schema dump that should *not* have their namespace replaced by
  # the new tenant
  # config.pg_excluded_names = ["uuid_generate_v4"]

# Setup a custom Tenant switching middleware. The Proc should return the name of the Tenant that
# you want to switch to.
# Rails.application.config.middleware.use Apartment::Elevators::Generic, lambda { |request|
# }

# Rails.application.config.middleware.use Apartment::Elevators::Domain
Rails.application.config.middleware.use Apartment::Elevators::Subdomain
# Rails.application.config.middleware.use Apartment::Elevators::FirstSubdomain
# Rails.application.config.middleware.use Apartment::Elevators::Host
Edilbek commented 2 years ago

@ChaseFlorom Have you solved this bug? If yes, how? I have the same issue