We are using apartment gem, and recently we changed our passenger config to restart a process whenever it hits request count of 400.
SELECT a.attname
FROM ( SELECT indrelid, indkey, generate_subscripts( indkey, $1) idx
FROM pg_index
WHERE indrelid = $2::regclass
AND indisprimary ) i JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = i.indrelid AND a.attnum = i.indkey[i.idx] ORDER BY i.idx
Due to which, the above query is getting called multiple times, which is called whenever the process is started/restarted.
I read some post online Issue URL and found out that this can be avoided if enabled use_schema_cache_dump in my rails application. Solution they suggested Solution
But will it work with apartment gem? Since each tenant can have different schema.
We are using apartment gem, and recently we changed our passenger config to restart a process whenever it hits request count of 400.
Due to which, the above query is getting called multiple times, which is called whenever the process is started/restarted.
I read some post online Issue URL and found out that this can be avoided if enabled use_schema_cache_dump in my rails application. Solution they suggested Solution
But will it work with apartment gem? Since each tenant can have different schema.