influxdata / community-templates

InfluxDB Community Templates: Quickly collect & analyze time series data from a range of sources: Kubernetes, MySQL, Postgres, AWS, Nginx, Jenkins, and more.
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InfluxDB beta changing default port from 9999 to 8086 with the next release #176

Closed russorat closed 3 years ago

russorat commented 4 years ago

the pr for this change is here:

mhall119 commented 4 years ago

Looks like this will effect the following:

./influxdb2_oss_metrics/ Then, from the InfluxDB UI (usually found at http://localhost:9999 in your browser), configure a default scraper to write the scrape data from http://localhost:9999/metrics into the oss_metrics bucket. More information about scrapers can be found in our documentation. ./influxdb2_oss_metrics/ There are many more metrics collected than the ones displayed on the dashboard. Check out localhost:9999/metrics for a full list. They are also available by exploring the data populated in the oss_metrics bucket. ./downsampling/net_inputs/telegraf.yml:116: urls = ["http://localhost:9999"] ./downsampling/procstat_input/telegraf.yml:116: urls = ["http://localhost:9999"] ./downsampling/default_inputs/telegraf.yml:117: urls = ["http://localhost:9999"] ./downsampling/all_inputs/telegraf.yml:117: urls = ["http://localhost:9999"] ./downsampling/internal_input/telegraf.yml:116: urls = ["http://localhost:9999"] ./downsampling/smart_input/telegraf.yml:117: urls = ["http://localhost:9999"] ./aws_cloudwatch/aws_cloudwatch.yml:688: urls = ["http://influxdb.monitoring:9999"] ./docs/ docker run -p 8086:8086 -p 9999:9999 ./docs/ you create a new Organization and Token in your Docker instance (available at http://localhost:9999), follow the instructions for using a Template to apply your Template. ./apache_jmeter/sample/Test Plan.jmx:56: 9999 ./apache_jmeter/sample/Test Plan.jmx:268: http://localhost:9999/api/v2/write?org=acme&bucket=jmeter ./mongodb/ - INFLUX_HOST - Your InfluxDB host (ex:http://localhost:9999)

mhall119 commented 4 years ago

This also appears to be causing our test for this repo to fail with:

Error: failed to determine if instance has been configured: Get http://localhost:9999/api/v2/setup: dial tcp [::1]:9999: connect: connection refused

russorat commented 3 years ago

this has long passed