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[inputs.file] Error in plugin: invalid character ':' after top-level value #2887

Closed italianoaj closed 4 years ago

italianoaj commented 4 years ago

Hey everyone,

I am trying to use the TICK stack to visualize some log data. Specifically logs from Okta. I pull them down using the Okta API and then I cut down the logs to only the information I want to see. I do all of that in my script here

At the end of all this, I have a file with JSON objects in to that look something like this:

"event":{"user":"John Doe","email_address":"","ip_address":"","state":"California","country":"United States","outcome":"SUCCESS","date":"2020-06-16T03:31:01.640Z"}

these are stored in a file at /home/italianoaj/projects/sec/parsed_okta.json

My telegraf.conf file for inputs.file looks like this: ########################################################################## [[inputs.file]] files = ["/home/italianoaj/projects/sec/parsed_okta.json"] data_format = "json" json_name_key = "event" json_string_fields = [ "username", "email_address", "ip_address", "state", "country", "result", "date" ] ###################################################################### When I start telegraf I receive this error: [inputs.file] Error in plugin: invalid character ':' after top-level value

I am using chronograf 1.7.16, influx 1.7.9, kapacitor 1.5.3, telegraf 1.13.0, and ubuntu server 18.04.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. If more information is needed please let me know.

sanderson commented 4 years ago

@italianoaj It doesn't look like your JSON is valid. the "events" key should be inside of a JSON object:

    "event": {
        "user": "John Doe",
        "email_address": "",
        "ip_address": "",
        "state": "California",
        "country": "United States",
        "outcome": "SUCCESS",
        "date": "2020-06-16T03:31:01.640Z"
italianoaj commented 4 years ago

@sanderson Thanks for catching that. I changed the way my JSON is formatted. Now I receive the same error but with "{" instead of ":"

Very odd.

sanderson commented 4 years ago

That is odd. Do you have a link to or sample of the actual JSON file (with sensitive info removed)?

italianoaj commented 4 years ago

@sanderson I appreciate your assistance. I have generated a sample JSON file here

Thanks again for the help.

sanderson commented 4 years ago

That still isn't valid JSON. You can use to validate your JSON file.

italianoaj commented 4 years ago

@sanderson Thanks for your patience, that resolved the error.

However, how can I be sure the data is coming into influx? I cannot seem to find the right place.

Once again, I appreciate your assistance.

kelseiv commented 4 years ago

Hi @italianoaj, have you tried to Explore your data in Chronograf?

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