influxdata / flux

Flux is a lightweight scripting language for querying databases (like InfluxDB) and working with data. It's part of InfluxDB 1.7 and 2.0, but can be run independently of those.
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Unable to write data to PostgreSQL from flux task #4389

Closed vkhazin closed 2 years ago

vkhazin commented 2 years ago

Sample code:

import "sql"

option task = {name: "export-to-rdbms", every: 24h}

connectionString =

// Reading data works!
// data =
//     sql.from(
//         driverName: "postgres",
//         dataSourceName: connectionString,
//         query: "SELECT measurement, field, value, \"timestamp\" FROM some_table;",
//     )
data =
    from(bucket: "some-data")
        |> range(start: -30d)
        |> map(fn: (r) => ({timestamp: r._time, measurement: r._measurement, field: r._field, value: r._value}))

// Writing data does not work!
    |> "postgres", dataSourceName: connectionString, table: "some_table")


Unexpected error from query; Err: failed to initialize execute state: pq: password authentication failed for user "postgres": failed to initialize execute state: pq: password authentication failed for user "postgres"
gdepue commented 2 years ago

similar issues in this data explorer query --> "an internal error has occurred"

import "sql"

connectionString = "postgresql://login>:<password>@<"

sql.from( driverName: "postgres", dataSourceName: connectionString, query: "SELECT * FROM usernames;" )

=== as per

kristinarobinson commented 2 years ago

@danatinflux @vkhazin -- Are you using InfluxData's secrets? The error shown is a Postgres authentication error that the password or username is incorrect. This is not a UI issue unless secrets are being used.

vkhazin commented 2 years ago

There is no usage of InfluxData secrets. I am not going to argue whether it is a UI or a back-end issue. I am going to argue it is an issue that requires a timely resolution.

nathanielc commented 2 years ago

@vkhazin Thanks for the report, we have a large batch of updates to the and sql.from functions in the works. We'll add this bug to the testing to ensure it gets fixed.

danatinflux commented 2 years ago

@vkhazin I was able to get this working by removing network restrictions on the AWS/Postgres side:


Initially, I wasn't able to make connections to my OSS box until I added the top exclusion (with the /32 subnet). That all worked fine. Then, I tried the C2 version and again, no connectivity. However, when I added the very insecure source (middle) it started to work.

Unfortunately, we don't currently have a list of IPs that a customer would be able to whitelist at this time as all the IPs for Cloud are dynamic.

vkhazin commented 2 years ago

@danatinflux thank you for your comments! The situation is different for me: the security group is configured for access with no success. And the InfluxDB is able to read data using sql.from, which would not be possible with a security group not configured for wide open access. InfluxDB task with flux is failing to execute command to AWS RDS Postgres and is succeeding with the same command to AWS RDS MySql. Other than a problem with documented PostgreSql setup or with implementation I cannot explain the observation.

danatinflux commented 2 years ago

@vkhazin Please open up a support ticket with your examples so we can test.

Marwes commented 2 years ago

pq: password authentication failed for user "postgres"

Sounds like the postgres instance rejected the credentials. Perhaps the postgres user only have read access, but not write access?

vkhazin commented 2 years ago

The credentials had been tested with DBeaver client to confirm read and write access is available to the table.

Marwes commented 2 years ago

@vkhazin When spinning up a local postgres I am not seeing any issues with writing data to it. So I guess it might be RDS specific, or some other configuration specific to your instance.

Marwes commented 2 years ago

@vkhazin It would be helpful if you could make a reproduction for this that I could test. Ideally using a local postgres.

vkhazin commented 2 years ago

@Marwes the issue reported is specific to AWS RDS following the documentation from Influx Data

I don't see other possible explanation to the situation other than:

Creating an AWS RDS instance is not a difficult task and does not require a considerable financial burden to reproduce the problem. Unless the integration is on as-is/best effort basis... “The light is much better here”

abalone23 commented 2 years ago

I am able to write to my RDS postgres instance from InfluxDB Cloud Flux v0.150.1:

import "sql"
import "array"

 data = array.from(rows: [
   {url: "", "name A": "blah"}

      driverName: "postgres",
      dataSourceName: "postgresql://postgres:<PASS>@<DB>",
      table: "link table"
nathanielc commented 2 years ago

We are unable to reproduce this issue using the same setup on RDS postrgres. At this point every indication is that the original error message is correct and AWS RDS is rejecting the authentication credentials being passed to it. Please re-check your database credentials and auth configurations. If you learn more specifics about how to reproduce this issue we can reopen the issue and continue our investigation.