We would like to scale the number of replicas based on usage which is a slight pain currently as you have to set the deployment.spec.replicas field to none if we were to roll our own HPA resource. There's also a pre-existing issue: https://github.com/influxdata/helm-charts/issues/624.
$ helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.14.2", GitCommit:"c309b6f0ff63856811846ce18f3bdc93d2b4d54b", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.22.0"}
Setting autoscaling.enabled: true templates the following Deployment and HPA resources:
We would like to scale the number of replicas based on usage which is a slight pain currently as you have to set the
field to none if we were to roll our own HPA resource. There's also a pre-existing issue: https://github.com/influxdata/helm-charts/issues/624.Setting
autoscaling.enabled: true
templates the followingDeployment
autoscaling.enabled: false
templates the followingDeployment
resource:An example with