influxdata / influx-cli

CLI for managing resources in InfluxDB v2
MIT License
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[bug + docs] `influx task list` does not support --before or --after #424

Open philjb opened 2 years ago

philjb commented 2 years ago

The help for the influx cli task run list subcommands lists two options --before and --after to filter task run logs. These flags do not filter the run log and there is not warning or error or help that these flags don't work with the run list command.

The help says

   --before value   runs before this time
   --after value    runs after this time

My task runs every 5 minutes, generating 288 runs per day. Since the --limit option has an (undocumented) max of 500, I can only see about 41.7 hours of the most recent task runs.

How do I see older task history?

Here is the full help output

> influx task run list -h
   influx task run list - List runs for a tasks

   influx task run list [command options] [arguments...]

   --host value                     HTTP address of InfluxDB [$INFLUX_HOST]
   --skip-verify                    Skip TLS certificate chain and host name verification [$INFLUX_SKIP_VERIFY]
   --configs-path value             Path to the influx CLI configurations [$INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH]
   --active-config value, -c value  Config name to use for command [$INFLUX_ACTIVE_CONFIG]
   --json                           Output data as JSON [$INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON]
   --hide-headers                   Hide the table headers in output data [$INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS]
   --token value, -t value          Token to authenticate request [$INFLUX_TOKEN]

   --task-id value  task ID (required)
   --run-id value   run id
   --before value   runs before this time
   --after value    runs after this time
   --limit value    limit the results (default: 100)
> influx version
Influx CLI dev (git: none) build_date: 2022-07-13T21:18:19Z

I built it from commit c44d2f232baface332f2957a9c49d84eb86b8093.

cloud2 documentation: