influxdata / influx-cli

CLI for managing resources in InfluxDB v2
MIT License
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Write command will not accept zero-length fields in CSV input #425

Open adrian-thurston opened 2 years ago

adrian-thurston commented 2 years ago

If I write the following line protocol to influxdb:

m,tag=zl v=""

The data is accepted. I can then query it out again using:

from(bucket: "devel")
|> range( start: 0 )
|> filter( fn: (r) => r._measurement == "m" )
|> filter( fn: (r) => r.tag == "zl" )
|> filter( fn: (r) => r._field == "v" )
|> filter( fn: (r) => r._value == "" )

Using the command line:

influx query -r -f zero-length.flux

Which produces:


If I try to write this back to the database using

influx write --format=csv -f zero-length.csv -b devel

I get the following error:

2022/07/15 23:13:30 line 5: no field data found