influxdata / influxdb-client-js

InfluxDB 2.0 JavaScript client
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Unable to write points for long run (unexpected error writing points to database: engine: cache-max-memory-size exceeded: (1074087500/1073741824)) #739

Open niranjanhm-bh-git opened 1 year ago

niranjanhm-bh-git commented 1 year ago


Code sample to reproduce problem

Using Singleton InfluxDB client instance used for all writes & Single writeApi used for all calls throughout Call details: 200 parallel calls with each call having 500 samples/points, this is equal to 1lakh measurements (or point data). These 200 calls are run at every 1 second interval. Single call payload size in bytes: 85452 and 200 calls its ~16MB

constructor code: 
private writeOptions: any = {
        batchSize: 1000,
        flushInterval: 500,
        // maxBatchBytes: 1024*1024*10,

        writeFailed: this.writeFailedHandler,
        // // function (this: WriteApi, error: Error, lines: string[], attempt: number, expires: number): void | Promise<void> {
        // //     throw new Error('Function not implemented.');
        // // },
        writeSuccess: this.writeSuccessHandler,
        // // function (this: WriteApi, lines: string[]): void {
        // //     throw new Error('Function not implemented.');
        // // },
        // writeRetrySkipped: function (entry: { lines: string[]; expires: number; }): void {
        //     throw new Error('Function not implemented.');
        // },
        // maxRetries: 0,
        // maxRetryTime: 0,
        maxBufferLines: 0,
        // retryJitter: 0,
        // minRetryDelay: 0,
        // maxRetryDelay: 0,
        // exponentialBase: 0,
        // randomRetry: false
this.influxClient = new InfluxDB({ url: envCfg.url, token: envCfg.token });
this.writeApi = this.influxClient.getWriteApi(, envCfg.bucket, 'ns', this.writeOptions);

////// method call as per above setup i.e. 200 parallel calls every second. total points in 1 call = 500

public async setData(setDataReq: SetDataRequest) {
        let dataPoints: Point[] = [];

        setDataReq.SampleSets.forEach(sampleSet => {
            for (let sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < sampleSet.Samples.length; sampleIndex++) {
                const sample = sampleSet.Samples[sampleIndex];

                let point = new Point(sampleSet.TagId)
                    .intField('hashId', stringHash(sampleSet.TagId))
                    .floatField('value', sample.Value)
                    .uintField('dataStatus', sample.DataStatus)
                    .uintField('nodeStatus', sample.NodeStatus)
                    .booleanField('isValid', true)
                    .timestamp(new Date(convertUtcTicksToLocalDate(sample.Timestamp).toJSON()));
        const st =;
        if ((this.logCounter++) != 0 && (this.logCounter % this.logAt) == 0) {
            console.log(`SetData for samples:ellapedInMs ${dataPoints.length}:${( - st)}`);
            this.logCounter = 0;

Note that i'm not closing/reset write api any time, as I expect to the writeOptions should do the job for me for long running write data.

Expected behavior

Should be able to write data seemlessly without failures for long run time like many days. Memory should be efficiently managed by client-js & influxd by itself. Kindly provide best way to acheive such write load without having to close/reset/flush the writeApi. Thanks & Regards!

Actual behavior

node js influx client: failed at ~190 times, when batchsize = 5000 & flush=500ms i.e failed in 3/5 mins

ERROR: RetryBuffer: 15000 oldest lines removed to keep buffer size under the limit of 32000 lines. Error in write HttpError: unexpected error writing points to database: engine: cache-max-memory-size exceeded: (1074087500/1073741824) WARN: Write to InfluxDB failed (attempt: 1). m [HttpError]: unexpected error writing points to database: engine: cache-max-memory-size exceeded: (1074087500/1073741824) at IncomingMessage. (C:\BH-Root\Code\POC\s1e-poc-timeseries\timeseries-js\node_modules\@influxdata\influxdb-client\dist\index.js:5:5671) at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:402:35) at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1343:12) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21) { statusCode: 500, statusMessage: 'Internal Server Error', body: '{"code":"internal error","message":"unexpected error writing points to database: engine: cache-max-memory-size exceeded: (1074087500/1073741824)"}', contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', json: { code: 'internal error', message: 'unexpected error writing points to database: engine: cache-max-memory-size exceeded: (1074087500/1073741824)' }, code: 'internal error', _retryAfter: 0 }

single payload size in bytes: 85452  

Failed: with batchsize = 1000 & flush = 500ms. i.e. failed in ~20 mins {"level":"error","message":"3/8/2023, 3:33:42 PM, Error: connect ECONNREFUSED"} {"level":"error","message":"3/8/2023, 3:33:42 PM, Error: connect ECONNREFUSED"} {"level":"info","message":"timesCalled 1186"}

Failure 2: {"level":"info","message":"timesCalled 946"} {"level":"error","message":"3/8/2023, 3:28:36 PM, Error: connect ECONNREFUSED"} {"level":"error","message":"3/8/2023, 3:28:36 PM, Error: connect ECONNREFUSED"} {"level":"info","message":"3/8/2023, 3:28:36 PM Req size= 85475 B. Res: {\"data\":\"resData\"}"} {"level":"info","message":"timesCalled 947"} Error in write Error: read ECONNRESET WARN: Write to InfluxDB failed (attempt: 1). Error: read ECONNRESET at TCP.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:220:20) { errno: -4077, code: 'ECONNRESET', syscall: 'read' }   image

Additional info

No response

niranjanhm-bh-git commented 1 year ago

Hi, any update on this issue?

niranjanhm-bh-git commented 1 year ago

Kindly have a look at findings & if a quick update on planing to consider this as bug or not would help.

sranka commented 1 year ago

Please read carefully, it explains a lot.