Closed snape81 closed 1 year ago
The after
parameter can be used to grab tasks after the 500th item. For example, if your last task ID is 500, pass 500 as the after value, and you should get the next 500 tasks. Here is the API reference:
Can you try that and let us know if that works?
Hi yes i confirm that using after you can grab next N task (500 max but i can specify also lower limit in order to test pagination ... example with 3 task of 10 configured)
The problem is about python ( and java ) client library. In particular what you have to pass into 'after' parameter (id of the last task retrieved) is in LINKS section of self._service.get_tasks(**kwargs) that is cutted of by returning only the content of tasks list retrieved as you can see in the body of actual find_task function implementation
"next": "/api/v2/tasks?after=0bf5171e0431a000&limit=3
links": {
"self": "/api/v2/tasks?after=0bd9f6fc3ff1a000&limit=3",
"next": "/api/v2/tasks?after=0bf5171e0431a000&limit=3"
"tasks": [
"links": {
"labels": "/api/v2/tasks/0bd9f7f4c0f1a000/labels",
"logs": "/api/v2/tasks/0bd9f7f4c0f1a000/logs",
"members": "/api/v2/tasks/0bd9f7f4c0f1a000/members",
"owners": "/api/v2/tasks/0bd9f7f4c0f1a000/owners",
"runs": "/api/v2/tasks/0bd9f7f4c0f1a000/runs",
"self": "/api/v2/tasks/0bd9f7f4c0f1a000"
"labels": [],
"id": "0bd9f7f4c0f1a000",
"orgID": "2412f2e686c82331",
So 'after' in api calls works well but with this implementation i have no chance to get the right 'after' value to grab next pages
I had to Implement my ugly "find all task" function to retrieve all tasks using smaller slot after some rev eng of the python library and use directly the service layer instead api client layer
here my code hope is more clear (ah ... same problem also with java implementation )
def _get_all_tasks():
tasks = []
with InfluxDBClient(url=INFLUXDB_URL, token=INFLUXDB_TOKEN, org=INFLUXDB_ORG, debug=True) as client:
next_token = None
while True:
task_service = TasksService(client.api_client)
if not next_token:
task_response = task_service.get_tasks(org=INFLUXDB_ORG, limit=TASK_MAX_PAGE)
task_response = task_service.get_tasks(org=INFLUXDB_ORG, limit=TASK_MAX_PAGE, after=next_token)
if not task_response:
if is None:
query_string_items = str('?')[1].split('&')
for qs_item in query_string_items:
if 'after=' in qs_item:
next_token = qs_item.split('=')[1]
return tasks
Thanks for the response. We can take a look at adding an iterator function to make retrieving the paged content a bit easier.
Proposal: Why do you avoid to return links attribute of the task api response ? Can you restore the possibility to use next link? Or introduce a
with also links sectin in response?
Current behavior: No link with next task id will be returned because only tasks will be returned
Desired behavior: Have the next link into the response to implement pagination and retrieve all tasks (if more than 500) or use smaller chunk during the inquiry
Use case: Because no pagination method be possible