influxdata / influxdb-client-swift

InfluxDB (v2+) Client Library for Swift
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Ergonomic and idiomatic improvements #24

Closed stuartcarnie closed 3 years ago

stuartcarnie commented 3 years ago

This issue provides a number of suggestions to improve type safety and lead to more idiomatic Swift.

Use a read-only var property accessor


internal var urlSession { client.session }

Avoid specifying default access level

With few exceptions, internal is the default access level, and therefore does not need to be included. See for more information.

Use lazy stored properties for the APIs


public lazy var authorizations: AuthorizationsAPI = { AuthorizationsAPI(influxDB2API: self) }()

This avoids creating redundant instances every time the "API" functions are accessed and provides a more fluent, idiomatic API.

NOTE: The definition of the lazy var must be moved out of the extension definition into the class

Use @discardableResult to avoid compiler warnings

can be annotated with @discardableResult:

@discardableResult public func addTag(key: String?, value: String?) -> Point {

permitting the following:

to be changed to:

point.addTag(key: tag.0, value: tag.1)

Use sum types for field values:

Accepting Any makes it difficult to determine what values are acceptable. Passing unsupported values will also result in runtime errors:

Favour enum as a sum type. In addition, these cases match the data types used in Line Protocol and throughout the documentation:

public enum FieldValue {
    case integer(Int)
    case float(Double)
    case boolean(Bool)
    case string(String)
    case unsigned(UInt)

public func addField(key: String, value: FieldValue) {
    // ...

Rename WritePrecision to TimestampPrecision

This allows us to use the enumeration to describe a timestamp as a tuple (Int, TimestampPrecision) and also the desired output (line protocol) precision.

Use sum types for timestamp values:

Accepting Any makes it difficult to determine what values are acceptable. Passing unsupported values will also result in runtime errors:

Favour enum as a sum type, which explicitly states the allowed value types:

public enum TimestampValue {
    case interval(Int, TimestampPrecision)
    case date(Date)

public func time(time: TimestampValue) {

It also ensures when using an integer to describe a timestamp, it must carry a precision for the value.

Defer output timestamp precision to serialisation

The desired line protocol write precision should be deferred to the point of serialisation.


Update the toLineProtocol API:

to include the output timestamp precision:

public func toLineProtocol(precision: TimestampPrecision = defaultWritePrecision, defaultTags: [String: String?]? = nil) throws -> String? {

Prefer implicit member expressions


This reduces the length of the expressions and is considered idiomatic:

may be rewritten as:

case .s:

Implement CustomStringConvertable to provide description

Deriving from NSObject to provide description is not idiomatic. NSObject opts the class in to the Objective-C runtime, which may not be intentional.

Remove NSObject:

and description override:

Add extension which implements CustomStringConvertable:

extension InfluxDBClient.Point: CustomStringConvertible {
    /// Line Protocol from Data Point.
    public var description: String {
        "Point: measurement:\(measurement), tags:\(tags), fields:\(fields), time:\(time ?? "nil")"
bednar commented 3 years ago

Hi @stuartcarnie,

I am almost done but I have one question about: Use sum types for field values:.

The FieldValue defined as

public enum FieldValue {
    case integer(Int)
    case float(Double)
    case boolean(Bool)
    case string(String)
    case unsigned(UInt)

doesn't supports other types of Int such as Int8, Int16 and so on.

The Swift doesn't allow to use a Protocol for associated enum value. So we aren't able to use UnsignedInteger as a associated enum type (case integer(UnsignedInteger)).

What do you think about add other cases for Int and UInt:

public enum FieldValue {
    case integer(Int)
    case integer8(Int8)
    case integer16(Int16)

or we could drop "direct" support for other types of Int?


stuartcarnie commented 3 years ago

@bednar I'd recommend you add convenience initialisers to handle conversion, and keep the list of enumerations strictly to the supported types:

extension FieldValue {
    init(value: Int8) {
        self = .integer(Int(value))

    init(value: Int16) {
        self = .integer(Int(value))

Then the enumeration can be constructed:

let someValue: Int8 = 5
let val = FieldValue(value: someValue)
bednar commented 3 years ago

@stuartcarnie thanks it looks good 👍

bednar commented 3 years ago


Defer output timestamp precision to serialisation

The precision on the Point is for planning supports of batching write. If the client will be use as a gateway then every point could have different precision.