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update jaeger-lib and jaeger-client-go to the github repo jaegertracing from uber which no longer exists #16900

Open stormasm opened 4 years ago

stormasm commented 4 years ago

jaeger is now located here:

but the go.mod and all of the dependencies still point to the old days with uber...

not able to run godoc locally godoc no longer works because of the above issue...

mark-rushakoff commented 4 years ago

I'm able to successfully run go list -m all on influxdb master with Go 1.13.6 and Go tip (soon to be 1.14).

What version of Go are you using, and what version of influxdb have you checked out?

stormasm commented 4 years ago

I am running go version go1.13.7 darwin/amd64 on the latest master

can you try running godoc ?

here is what I am seeing when I run

go list -m all

go: finding v1.5.0+incompatible go: finding v1.5.0+incompatible go list -m: invalid version: +incompatible suffix not allowed: major version v1 is compatible

which I believe causes godoc to fail....

using module mode; GOMOD=/tmp32/influxdb/go.mod go: finding v1.5.0+incompatible go: finding v1.5.0+incompatible documentation for some packages is not shown: module is not in the module cache and there was a problem downloading it: invalid version: +incompatible suffix not allowed: major version v1 is compatible failed to determine the build list of the main module:

go command exited unsuccessfully: exit status 1

go: finding v1.5.0+incompatible go: finding v1.5.0+incompatible go list -m: invalid version: +incompatible suffix not allowed: major version v1 is compatible

stormasm commented 4 years ago

@mark-rushakoff are you able to run godoc with master ?

I am also thinking it started happening after I completely cleared out my golang pkg cache. That is when the problem started showing up.

Is it possible that it wasn't showing up before until I did a complete clear of the go package cache.

I program in Rust too --- and this is one of the places where Go has some minor issues. The whole way they deal with versions of packages etc... is not perfect.

mark-rushakoff commented 4 years ago

Yes, I am able to run go doc on master.

bash-3.2$ git log -1 --format=oneline
1b5ae7780b1de2d231de4251c11516b46859e5a5 (HEAD -> master, influx/master) fix(cmd/write): remove shared buffer access that caused race condition on large imports
bash-3.2$ go version
go version go1.13.6 darwin/amd64
bash-3.2$ GO111MODULE=on go doc ./logger

package logger // import ""

const OperationNameKey = "op_name" ...
const TimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000Z07:00"
func Database(name string) zapcore.Field

Please share the exact commands you're running and their output.

Assigning to @aanthony1243 as I believe his team has the most context on Jaeger tracing; we probably are overdue for updating that dependency regardless.

stormasm commented 4 years ago

So I meant the actual program godoc


I am talking about the command godoc not go doc

This enables one to see all of the documentation locally that you would normally see here

When you are developing its helpful to use so you can see whats going on in your code...

stormasm commented 4 years ago


When you run

go doc -all

at the top of the master branch this is what I see

/tmp30/influxdb$ go doc -all go: finding v1.5.0+incompatible go: finding v1.5.0+incompatible go list -m: invalid version: +incompatible suffix not allowed: major version v1 is compatible

and then it runs fine as you noted...

But with godoc it just fails for the same reason...

stormasm commented 4 years ago

@stuartcarnie @mark-rushakoff

I tested and this is now fixed thanks to

stormasm commented 4 years ago

@aanthony1243 @mark-rushakoff

jaeger is now located here:

@stuartcarnie updated with #17000

but it still references the old uber repo which no longer exists on github

we may want to take it all the way to referencing the actual underlying github repo (see above) instead of a soft link that no longer exists on github