influxdata / influxdb

Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
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Unknown command "generate" for "influxd" #21855

Closed Aloike closed 3 years ago

Aloike commented 3 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

I wrote a Bash script to reproduce/highlight the issue in Docker (see below).

What it basically does:

  1. Run an influxDB container with the latest InfluxDB version (to this day: 2.0.7);
  2. Wait for it to be ready;
  3. Set up the InfluxDB instance using the influx setup command;
  4. Generate a simple data set using the influxd generate simple command.

The last command fails with the following error:

Error: unknown command "generate" for "influxd"
See 'influxd -h' for help

Expected behavior: Given this page, I would expect the generate command to be "known" in InfluxDB 2.0. Even if not used correctly/not available (due to the running influxd instance).

Actual behavior:

influxd generate simple fails with the following error:

Error: unknown command "generate" for "influxd"
See 'influxd -h' for help

Environment info:


Following is the script I'm using to test this:




##  @brief  The name of the InfluxDB container.

# InfluxDB setup variables

set -e
# set -x

echo "+-- Create directories..."
echo "    +-- Done create directories."

# Start the container
echo "+-- Pull the latest container tag..."
docker pull influxdb:latest
echo "    +-- Done pulling the latest container tag."

echo "+-- Start the container..."
docker run \
    -d \
    --publish 8086:8086 \
    -v ${DOCKER_DIR_INFLUXDB_DATA}:/root/.influxdbv2 \
echo "    +-- Container is running."

# Wait for the database service to be ready
echo "+-- Check container state..."
while ! docker exec -it \
    influx ping >/dev/null
    echo "    +-- Waiting for the InfluxDB container to be ready..."
    sleep 1
echo "    +-- Container is ready."

# Proceed to the initial setup of InfluxDB
echo "+-- Start InfluxDB setup command."
docker exec -it \
    influx setup \
    --org ${INFLUXDB_ORG} \
    --username ${INFLUXDB_ADMIN_USERNAME} \
    --password ${INFLUXDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD} \
    --token ${INFLUXDB_ADMIN_TOKEN} \
    --retention 0 \
echo "    +-- InfluxDB setup done."

# Get container infos
echo "+-- Provide some container infos:"
echo -n    "    +-- Container System info:      "
docker exec -it \
    uname -srm

echo -n    "    +-- Container InfluxDB version: "
docker exec -it \
    influxd version
echo "    +-- Done retrieveing container infos"

# Generate a simple data set
##  @see
echo "+-- InfluxDB - Generate a simple data set..."
docker exec -it \
    influxd generate simple
echo "    +-- Done generating a simple data set."

exit $?
danxmoran commented 3 years ago

@Aloike thank you for reporting this, and apologies for the confusion. I've honestly never heard of a generate subcommand before... it looks like that page has been in our docs repo for awhile, will check in with our docs team to investigate

danxmoran commented 3 years ago

The docs have been updated, closing this