influxdata / openapi

An OpenAPI specification for influx (cloud/oss) apis.
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/dashboards - POST - able to create dashboard without name property in the request #619

Open karel-rehor opened 1 year ago

karel-rehor commented 1 year ago

Looking at the schema src/common/schemas/CreateDashboardRequest.yml ...

      type: string
      description: The ID of the organization that owns the dashboard.
      type: string
      description: The user-facing name of the dashboard.
      type: string
      description: The user-facing description of the dashboard.
    - orgID
    - name

... I see that the name property is required.

However when testing the /dashboards endpoint for POST against the latest influxdb implementation. I am able to create a dashboard with the name property missing from the request.

Is this definition up to date? Or is this an issue in influxdb?

Testing against K8S-IDPE remocal. Latest commit.

commit 36edfae0f1409f79490e31e43846c9e258329e2c (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Cannon Palms <>
Date:   Mon Nov 28 21:23:47 2022 -0500