influxdata / telegraf

Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data.
MIT License
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Debian policies might be ignored in the .deb package #7770

Open szepeviktor opened 4 years ago

szepeviktor commented 4 years ago


I've just downloaded your Debian package. Lintian says the followings


What do you think about fixing these?

danielnelson commented 4 years ago

Sure, would love to get a PR that fixes any of these issues, some of these don't look to hard to fix. Eventually, I'd love to move to using the Debian tools to generate the deb instead of using fpm as well.

sspaink commented 2 years ago

I ran lintian on the latest version of Telegraf (1.24.1) and there still seems to be outstanding issues that need to be resolved.

$ lintian ~/Downloads/telegraf_1.24.1-1_amd64.deb
E: telegraf: debian-changelog-file-missing-or-wrong-name
E: telegraf: extended-description-is-empty
E: telegraf: init.d-script-not-included-in-package etc/init.d/telegraf
E: telegraf: maintainer-name-missing
E: telegraf: no-copyright-file
W: telegraf: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/telegraf
W: telegraf: hardening-no-pie usr/bin/telegraf
W: telegraf: hardening-no-relro usr/bin/telegraf
W: telegraf: maintainer-script-calls-systemctl postinst:15
W: telegraf: maintainer-script-calls-systemctl postrm:4
W: telegraf: maintainer-script-ignores-errors postinst
W: telegraf: maintainer-script-ignores-errors postrm
W: telegraf: maintainer-script-ignores-errors preinst
W: telegraf: maintainer-script-ignores-errors ... use --no-tag-display-limit to see all (or pipe to a file/program)
W: telegraf: maintainer-script-should-not-parse-etc-passwd-or-group preinst:3 'grep "^telegraf:" /etc/group'
W: telegraf: maintainer-script-should-not-use-recursive-chown-or-chmod postinst:52
W: telegraf: missing-depends-line
W: telegraf: new-package-should-close-itp-bug
W: telegraf: package-contains-timestamped-gzip usr/share/doc/telegraf/changelog.gz 2022-09-19T19:05:48
W: telegraf: priority-extra-is-replaced-by-priority-optional
W: telegraf: syntax-error-in-debian-changelog line 5 "badly formatted trailer line"
W: telegraf: syntax-error-in-debian-changelog line 5 "found eof where expected more change data or trailer"
W: telegraf: unknown-section default

dear reader, if your planning on fixing any of these issues I recommend running lintian yourself because each of the errors and warnings are hyperlinks to more detailed description what the problem is (e.g.

DStrand1 commented 9 months ago

Updated list on telegraf 1.29.4:

E: telegraf: debian-changelog-file-missing-or-wrong-name
E: telegraf: extended-description-is-empty
E: telegraf: init.d-script-not-included-in-package etc/init.d/telegraf
E: telegraf: no-copyright-file
E: telegraf: no-phrase Maintainer
E: telegraf: statically-linked-binary [usr/bin/telegraf]
W: telegraf: maintainer-script-calls-systemctl [postinst:13]
W: telegraf: maintainer-script-calls-systemctl [postrm:4]
W: telegraf: maintainer-script-ignores-errors [postinst]
W: telegraf: maintainer-script-ignores-errors [postrm]
W: telegraf: maintainer-script-ignores-errors [preinst]
W: telegraf: maintainer-script-ignores-errors ... use "--tag-display-limit 0" to see all (or pipe to a file/program)
W: telegraf: maintainer-script-should-not-parse-etc-passwd-or-group "grep "^telegraf:" /etc/group" [preinst:3]
W: telegraf: no-manual-page [usr/bin/telegraf]
W: telegraf: package-contains-timestamped-gzip 2024-01-31T15:09:26 [usr/share/doc/telegraf/changelog.gz]
W: telegraf: recursive-privilege-change "chown -R" [postinst:47]
W: telegraf: syntax-error-in-debian-changelog "not a Debian changelog" [usr/share/doc/telegraf/changelog.gz:1]
W: telegraf: unknown-field License
W: telegraf: unknown-field Vendor
W: telegraf: unknown-section default
powersj commented 6 months ago

@DStrand1 can you post your notes please and we can then revisit the next steps?

DStrand1 commented 3 weeks ago

Next steps: Migrate builds to nFPM, does not directly solve this but will allow us to more easily solve it in a followup PR