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Better way to retrieve snmp setting for ifName plugin #8010

Open Hipska opened 4 years ago

Hipska commented 4 years ago

Feature Request

Opening a feature request kicks off a discussion. As discussed in


Make it possible some way to retrieve the community string (and other snmp config) directly from the config set for the snmp input.

Current behavior:

Community string (and other snmp config) needs to be configured in ifName plugin as well

Desired behavior:

Let ifName plugin figure out from which plugin the metric comes and use the config from that plugin if possible.

Use case:

Usually each device (or group of devices) has its own specific community string and that would make a huge config even more huge.

powersj commented 2 years ago

Hi Hipska,

Looking through old issues to get status on them.

It sounds like this is trying to not require the community config value for the ifname processor by knowing that value from the input, is that correct?

What would be required to have the processor know this in advance?


Hipska commented 2 years ago

Correct, I think it could be possible if a metric could have a reference to the input plugin where it originated from somehow. What do you think?

Hipska commented 2 years ago

Easier to implement would be the community string could come from a tag.

Hipska commented 11 months ago

@powersj What if I added an option to inputs.snmp which adds the required client config parameters as tags? On its turn, the processors.ifname can read from the tags?

powersj commented 11 months ago


If we have the knowledge of what needs to get done in the snmp input plugin, why not add this as a feature of the snmp plugin?


Hipska commented 10 months ago

@srebhan is proposing to have a list/table of client parameters in the plugin config instead of putting the info in tags..

Hipska commented 10 months ago

@powersj @srebhan, can you please give a descision here, so the PR can be on time for 1.29?

powersj commented 9 months ago


@srebhan and I have been talking about this today and we need to reset our understanding. We both understanding that there is friction between how to efficiently share configuration data between the SNMP plugin and when you do lookups.

What we both do not fully understand is why we could not do this in the SNMP plugin itself? Does this really need to be a new processor?


Hipska commented 9 months ago

Yeah, sometimes you need another processor first to split the index if it is a combined one.

The ifname was originally created to work with the sflow input. It can also be useful with the snmp_trap plugin.

powersj commented 9 months ago

sometimes you need another processor first to split the index if it is a combined one

Can you give us a short example? Would go a long way to help us understand the situation better. Thanks

Hipska commented 9 months ago

See for example TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapBaseStatsEntry where the index is a combination of 3 fields. 2 of them are available to gather from the table, but svcId isn't and I need that one to get the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB::svcName with snmp_lookup, so this processor comes in between:

# Parse TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapBaseStatsEntry index
  alias = "sapBaseStatsEntry_index"
  order = 1
  namepass = ["sap"]

  ## Source of the Starlark script.
  source = '''
def apply(metric):

    index = metric.tags.pop("index", "0.0.0").split(".")

    metric.tags["svcId"] = index[0]
    metric.tags["sapPortId"] = index[1]
    metric.tags["sapEncapValue"] = index[2]

    return metric

  ## Only need to run when the tag exists
    index = ["*"]

A sample index we receive is: 300121.1342177331.1121 and then we want the content of TIMETRA-SERV-MIB::svcName.300121 to get the name of the service as tag on the metric.

And as said before, you can't do lookups when the functionality is embedded into inputs.snmp and the info comes from inputs.snmp_trap or inputs.sflow or others..

There is already some table merging functionality included in the snmp input, but that only works for one:one relations, not one:many or many:many relations.

srebhan commented 9 months ago

@Hipska I see. But then how would sflow pass the required information you describe in your initial description (e.g. community string)? I think there is no sensible way around defining that data in the processor again. The only thing I see would be to share via file that all relevant plugins can include... What do you think?

Hipska commented 7 months ago

Yes, that would probably be a better solution.

I already expressed I'm open for that as wel, I just wanted a confirmation this is the way you both want to go: