I'm trying to install the nightly build of chronograf via Helm using the following command:
helm install --name dash --namespace tick ./chronograf/ --set image.tag=nighty
helm install --name dash --namespace tick ./chronograf/ --set image.tag=nightly --set image.name=quay.io/influxdb/chronograf
but I got it in error state (ErrImagePull).
I was manage to install influxdb:nightly via this command:
helm install --name data --namespace tick ./influxdb/ --set image.tag=nightly
I'm trying to install the nightly build of chronograf via Helm using the following command: helm install --name dash --namespace tick ./chronograf/ --set image.tag=nighty or helm install --name dash --namespace tick ./chronograf/ --set image.tag=nightly --set image.name=quay.io/influxdb/chronograf
but I got it in error state (ErrImagePull).
I was manage to install influxdb:nightly via this command: helm install --name data --namespace tick ./influxdb/ --set image.tag=nightly