info-design-lab / DE705-Interactive-Data-Visualization

Documentation of the IDC M.Des course Interactive Data Visualization, 3-20 Sep 2019
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Redesigning Reuters Data Stories (2024) #29

Open venkatrajam opened 1 week ago

venkatrajam commented 1 week ago

For this assignment, we'll use data stories from Reuters Graphics.

Select a story that you like, study it carefully and redesign it. Specifically I want you to focus on understanding the data that powers the story, and how it is visually encoded to tell the intended story. Document your design process, capturing the following:

You may choose to expand or curtail the scope of the data used in the story, or add an additional dataset to tell the story better. But do not deviate from the main intent of the original story. In other words, it is a redesign exercise, and hence I do not want you tell a different, unrelated story.

While you should provide a link to the original story, it might be useful to capture and display inline, appropriate parts of the original visualization, and your own design iterations to produce a coherent documentation.

For reference, take a look at what the previous batches (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023) did with this assignment. They worked on The Hindu Data Point articles which have become rather less challenging and increasingly harder to access.

Sydney1306 commented 1 week ago

Nitya Vyas, 23M2248

A Scarce Flavour

Updates on the link:

kimayaitkarkar commented 1 week ago

Kimaya Itkarkar 22b3635 Vaping crisis in the US

Vaping crisis 1

vijayanand-25 commented 1 week ago

Vijayanand Banahatti (23D1322)

Cricket’s mammoth Indian Premier League By Sumanta Sen - Published May 22, 2024

TejalK22 commented 1 week ago

Tejal Kalgutkar 24M2525

Changing Tides By Jackie Gu, Published March 30, 2023

HarshAgrawal04 commented 1 week ago

Harsh Agrawal 22B3629

Cricket’s mammoth - Indian Premier League


Anumeha7 commented 1 week ago

Anumeha Patoria 23m2244 This is some progress regarding how I can add a perspective to the linked story. Will select one of the angle soon and start working on the same.

data viz
yashrawat458 commented 1 week ago

Yashwant Rawat 23M2254 AI Rally Tracker - (

This article talks about all the rallies that Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi did for Lok Sabha Election 2024. The article lists the rally in a chronological order with an AI generated word cloud to show the most prominent words.

Data collection - Rally List / Phase of election

(Progress) Phases of election on Indian Map -


High Res. files - Click Here 1 2 3 4

TanmayKuwalekar commented 1 week ago

23M2245 Tanmay Kuwalekar

In a flash, a changed world

The article offers an overview of the Hiroshima atomic bombing and its role in raising global awareness of nuclear disarmament. It traces nuclear tests conducted from 1945 to 2019, providing data on which superpowers performed these tests, the number of tests per year, their intensity, and related treaties signed by nations. Key milestones in the history of nuclear testing are also highlighted, emphasizing international efforts to control and reduce the use of nuclear weapons.

Rationale for Redesign

The existing visualization effectively shows test intensity but makes tracking the timeline difficult due to its fragmented, scrollable format. The redesign adopts a sunburst visualization approach, offering a comprehensive view of the timeline and highlighting the nuclear activity of eight key nations.

Redesign Approach

The sunburst format visually represents how nuclear tests expand outward from the center, mimicking the spread of a bomb's impact. This design enables users to see the entire timeline at once while focusing on key information, such as the year-specific tests and the contribution of nuclear-powered nations.


Dark Background 01_dark 02_dark 03_black

Light background 01_light 02_light 03_light

High Res images Flourish:

Data sourced from following sites:,the%20United%20States%20and%20Russia.

gouraang-gune commented 1 week ago

Gouraang Gune - 22B3632

Vaping Crisis in the US Potential for Redesign image 20

  1. Use a traditional US map or a cartogram instead of this simplified version in order to give viewers more clarity.
  2. Use a different colour scheme for cases and deaths.


Add interactions to show how the weekly cases progress over the year.




  1. Experiment with different grouping.
  2. Try to show in only one graph.


  1. Not sure if it's because of my internet connection, but this scrollytelling animation seems to glitch often.
  2. Try to show in an isometric breakdown to make it look more interesting.


Using US map with numbers and colours instead of state names would be more effective.

Adith3608 commented 1 week ago

Adith M Sajeev - 22b3625 How lightning illuminated Indonesia’s Ruang volcano How India’s Jamnagar airport managed an unprecedented number of flights for billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s family event How a deadly bat virus found new ways to infect people

evana23m2242 commented 1 week ago

How children starve

Original Article :

What is the article about ? The Reuters article focuses on the growing food insecurity and malnutrition crisis in the world . It highlights how years of conflict, blockades, and economic collapse have pushed a significant portion of population into hunger and severe food shortages. The story is told through the lens of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

What the Reader Should Understand:

Types of Data Visualized

Data Source :

Redesigned Visualisation - Quantitative Data interactive prototype :

Watch video :

Dataviz quant_page-0001 (1)

Redesigned Visualisation - Qualitative Data interactive prototype :

Watch video :

Dataviz qual_page-0001 (1)

saikatb1swas commented 1 week ago

The Unstoppable Pop of Taylor Swift idea of a better visualisation (rough) line-graph_taylor Swift

(Redesign): Prototype here Not Complete, WIP

nachiketnanoty commented 1 week ago

AnkitaThakur1309 commented 1 week ago

The hottest year: How heat fueled extreme weather in 2023


Temperature Chart

Redesign: Video: Link to Interact: Prototype

Hurricane Chart

Redesign: Video: Link to Interact: Prototype

Link to the page with redesigned visualization

hayat-tamboli commented 1 week ago

A data visualization of Bollywood

Link to prototype:

antibodhi commented 1 week ago

Sidharth Goutham 23m2252

Tractors to Delhi: Indian farmer protest

A football story: How big money remade the people's game

KeSaanu commented 1 week ago

Kyawsaanu Mog | 22B3609 Tracking the global spread of monkey pox




subirust commented 1 week ago

Subir Mondal

yashkaranjavkar commented 1 week ago

Yash Karanjavkar | 23M2250

Mass Cremations, Day and Night:

SOS: India's tweets for help:

Khushboo768 commented 1 week ago

Khushboo Kumari | 23m2251

The Collapse of Insects

image image image image

Watch/ Download Video: Interactive Prototype: Interactive Prototype Option 2: Discovered V/S Accessed Species

M4Y4NK-V3RM4 commented 1 week ago

Mayank_verma - 22B3608

Original article Two airlines dominate India's growing market

Process and outcome Frame 11 (2)

ArjunC-1 commented 4 days ago

Arjun Chawla-22b3624

Ebola Epidemic-


Ebola Spread and Mortality

Through this visualisation, the designer has attempted to communicate 2 distinct dimensions of the virus spread:

  1. Reproduction number i.e. the number of people each patient goes on to infect (how fast the virus spreads)
  2. Mortality rate i.e. percentage of infected population that die

In an attempt to emphasise how devastating Ebola is, the prominent visualisation is mortality rate. This however does not take in to account the rate of spread of the virus. The sample size used is 250, which makes it harder for people to read (167/250 vs. 67/100)

This can be improved through a more intuitive visualisation which takes into account the speed of the spread, which would give a more balanced view of the epidemic. . . .

Ebola Vaccination Strategy

This is the “ring vaccine strategy” in which the vaccine is administered only to the people most at risk- the people (directly or indirectly) in contact with a patient.

While it does effectively communicate how the strategy is meant to stop the spread of the virus, it also make it seem like the people vaccinated are only those who have been in direct contact with the patient, which is not the case. In reality it also includes people such as healthcare and frontline workers, extended family members and neighbours.

This visualisation can be improved by using imagery/iconography for households, families, neighbours, hospitals etc, which would reduce its overall read time. . . .

Map (Ebola Zones   Conlfict)

The objective of this visualisation is to show why it is difficult to track the cases of Ebola, as its zones has significant overlap with areas of militia conflict and population displacement.

The size of the circles does not denote the area of conflict, but the number of incidents. It also neglects the direction/trends of displacement, which would have helped in communicating the complexity of the situation.

manyawww commented 4 days ago

Manya Wahi 22b3618

How Trump has transformed refugee admissions

The article provides a detailed analysis of how U.S. refugee admissions policies have changed under former President Donald Trump. It showcases the decrease in number of refugee admissions, particularly from Muslim countries, in the US over the years.

image 9

The purpose of this graph is to show that the Christian to Muslim refugee admission ratio is mostly Christian dominant in that year (2018). Here, the ratio between Muslim and Christian refugees is the key data point. Seeing the difference in ratios would allow for the viewer to easily compare the two types of refugees.

The type of chart the data has been mapped on makes it very difficult to compare the ratios and know what type of refugees are admitted more in which year.

The only way of knowing the ratio difference is looking at the actual number of refugees and mentally comparing the two. This renders the graph useless.

Recommendation- Ratios would be easier to understand if the start and end point of the bars were fixed and data was divided according to percentage of refugees.

image 11

The purpose of these tables is to show how the refugee program under trump is being impartial towards the Muslim population. However simply naming the countries does not impactfully drive the point across.

Here, the number of refugees is not being emphasized on. Iraq, Syria and Somalia all had around 6,000 refugees in 2017 and no longer make the list in 2018. The three replacement countries have the refugee numbers of around 2,000 which means the muslim countries have fallen drastically in number of refugees. The significance of these numbers has not been shown properly.

Recommendation - A connection map showing these countries on the globe with thickness of connection showing number of refugees. Showing a before and after through colour coding, to see the decline in Muslim refugee admissions over the years.

namit900 commented 4 days ago

Namit Tirkey 23M2256

The annual spikes in popularity of Christmas Songs focusing on Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas Is You.":

Yuva306 commented 4 days ago

Yuva Gharat 22b3612

Tokyo Olympics 2020

Frame 30

pujapdas commented 8 hours ago

Puja Das M.Des. By Research, 24M2526