info-design-lab / DE705-Interactive-Data-Visualization

Documentation of the IDC M.Des course Interactive Data Visualization, 3-20 Sep 2019
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Visualization Critique (2022) #9

Closed venkatrajam closed 1 year ago

venkatrajam commented 2 years ago

For the first assignment, find a simple, stand-alone, static visualization and write a short critique on: How effective is it at what it aims to do? What works well and what doesn't? What could be better?

You comment should contain:

You can edit or update your comment anytime after you post, but do not make multiple comments. If your github username is not your actual name, include it in the comment/comment title.

shweta-ratanpura commented 2 years ago

Shweta Ratanpura M.Des Interaction Design 216330016




  1. The topic of menstruation is still a taboo in most regions around the world - putting it in such an elegant manner may help people approach the topic more comfortably. The illustrations are aesthetic yet realistically detailed.
  2. The visualisation successfully covers multiple layers of information related to the menstrual processes in the body, while still maintaining legibility.
  3. The cyclic nature of ovulation as well as the linear information for hormone production have been combined really well to show the correlation between them.
  4. The use of colours is appropriate to the topic - a majorly monochromatic colour palette creates a soothing narrative.


  1. Although the supporting text does mention that many women may experience varied cycles, the visual does not account for menstrual cycles lasting less or more than 28 days
  2. One of the main aspects of the cycle is the fertilisation window, which has not been highlighted appropriately. Similarly, the days of menses should also be emphasised upon better.
  3. The legend for IU/L is equidistant, however one tends to look at the area rather than the length considering the leaf like graphics for representation of LH and FSH.
  4. Also, the leaf graphics are organic in nature, thus making it very hard to grasp or compare the data in terms of length or area both.
Ishitasharmax commented 2 years ago

Much to lose for U.S. farmers - Data Visualization

Ishita Sharma 20U130030 Bdes, 3rd Year

Farmers Trade




mdawkhar commented 2 years ago

The $100 Trillion Global Economy (Global GDP 2022) B.des, 20U130007





Bishal2288 commented 2 years ago

Bishal Goswami PhD, Batch: Spring Sem 2021 214134002

The Missing Migrants Map, 2015 Created by: Valerio Pellegrini and Michele Mauri, based on data from Missing Migrants Project

THE MISSING MIGRANTS MAP - Corriere della Sera on Behance


What works:

  1. The quick instruction to read the visualisation in the very beginning is a good feature as it orients the readers.
  2. The choice of dot density map is a wise choice as it highlights the gravity of the situation. Hence, the visualisation creates a sense of urgency which is required as a response towards this crisis.
  3. The colours opted for the visualisation are uniform, which makes it pleasing for the eyes.
  4. Grouping the regions as ‘A’ and ‘B’ and corresponding additional information panels are easy to comprehend for further information.
  5. These information panels containing crisp one-liner stories and links on the worst migrant journeys meeting with accidents is a really helpful feature for people to become aware on such accidents.
  6. Other additional information in the form of graphs/texts, which is also very useful, include: a) Number of deaths and missing people in the worst incidents from Central and Eastern Mediterranean, b) A separate note on the migration incidents on Europe, which mostly take place on landmass while crossing borders, c) Comparison between missing and dead migrants, and d) Categorisation of migrants as per gender, region of origin and the routes they take.

What doesn’t work/could be improved:

  1. The worst incidents marked by numbers in the groups ‘A’ and ‘B’ are not serially placed, which makes it difficult to find a missing number elsewhere on the map.
  2. It was much later realised that the numbers correspond with the date of the incident, starting from the oldest incident to the newest. A note regarding this in the instruction panel in the beginning would have been useful. Also, perhaps chronological order in numbering was not necessary at all.
  3. The borders of the countries on the map are in red, which makes it difficult to notice some dots (also in red) on the landmass. Some other colour could have been better.
  4. Because of the chosen font, number ‘1’ looks like ‘I’. Since, the visualisation has both numbers and letters, it briefly led to doubt.
AmishaNair commented 2 years ago

Storm Warnings

Number of billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in the U.S.

Amisha Nair B.Des, 20U130006




Things that work:

Things that don’t work:

Things that can be improved:

joe-jatin commented 2 years ago

Jatin Anand B.des, 20U130017

URL: Mapping distribution of income by religious belief in USA Critique: Info Design Religious Income Distribution

What works

  1. Even though the graphs are not lined next to each other parallelly, it is still easy to compare.
  2. Even though it is not hinted anywhere that the graph shows the percentage of total population of each group, it is fairly understandable.
  3. The graph of each group of people has a uniform width even though it is radially arranged therefore it is not confusing.

What doesn’t work

  1. The purpose of the ripple-like concentric pattern below in the middle is not understandable to any degree.
  2. It does not show the actual population of each group and hence can’t be compared numerically.
  3. The graphical relationship between the illustrations and the corresponding names of every group of people (religiously or nationally connected) breaks at national average since there is no illustration relating to it.
  4. It is poorly evident through current illustrations or text(very small) that the population under-study is of America.
  5. The size and arrangements of the contents causes the vital information present in the paragraph under the main heading to be poorly visible.
Abhinavbansal20 commented 2 years ago

Title: Visualizing Crime in India Student: Abhinav Bansal, M.Des (216330003)


Critique Data Viz Crime


  1. An excellent feature of the visualization is that it relates with the geographical location of the states. This makes it easy to visualize the dominance of crimes in the Northern belt of the country.
  2. Factors such as the position in hierarchy (Depicted by arrows) are very well presented.
  3. A lot of relatable data, such as literacy and population is presented. Hence, the crime rate is not seen in isolation, thus giving it more credibility.
  4. Converse to point 5 of improvements, the prominence in thickness highlights the most concerning crime-factor of the individual states.


  1. The measuring index is Circumference. However, the visualization makes it seem that area-based values are presented. The Murder Value (Red) is visually greater than total crimes (Blue)
  2. Total number of crimes per state not mentioned, which would make the visualization richer.
  3. Value based scale to quantify data is missing. Something like the radius, or a graphic scale could have been added.
  4. The vertical bar representing 'National Statewise Population Average' is difficult to identify and locate. Probably a different colour coding could have been used in that horizontal bar. In addition, since the national average would be constant, there was no need to add it with individual population bars. A scaled legend could have been made.
  5. Since there is no weightage given to the type of crime, the different thickness of individual circles could have been avoided. This would also bring in more clarity. Currently, some of the crimes are not visible.
  6. Since the visualization focuses on a comparative representation, a linear visualization showing the Crime-Rate per Population could have been added. Although an attempt for the same has been made, it is not very evident.
minhaskm commented 2 years ago

US Government Budget - 2016

Student: K M Minhas, 20U130013, B.des

Link - 2016_budget_visualization_safe_img



shivanginegii commented 2 years ago

Shivangi Negi M.Des Interaction Design 216330018

Title: Where does all the world's food go? URL: Global-Food-Supply-IIB-3 1 (1)



Juii28 commented 2 years ago

‘Best Picture winners at Oscar from 1927 to 2014

Jui Sonawane 20u130028 B.des 3rd yr

URL here

8c9c7152884939 5920174258e39

What works?

What doesn’t work/ what can be improved?

zuhaasif commented 2 years ago

Visualizing Stolen paintings Zuha Asif P 216330014 M.Des Interaction Design


Screenshot 2022-08-02 011210



aliviachaudhuri commented 2 years ago

Diversity in Tech URL:

Alivia Chaudhuri 216330017 IxD

Diversity in tech

This visualisation titled “Diversity in Tech” is meant to represent the gender diversity of global tech companies in the year 2017. Concept & Design: David McCandless // v4.0 // June 2018 Code & Design: Fabio Bergamaschi Research: Miriam Quick, Stephanie Tomasevic Dataset:

What works:

What doesn't works/could have been made better:

romapandya49 commented 2 years ago

Kun Faya Kun visualised

Roma Pandya, 20u130001, BDes 3rd year.



The design shows graphic visualization of the song, Kun Faya Kun, showing various information points such as the lyrics, language, singer, instrumental/lyrical, duration and density of words.


  1. The distinction in singers is easy to make since contrasting primary colours are used for each.
  2. All the lyrics are written on the graphic, so that people can sing along to it - reminding the viewer of the enjoyment the song brings.
  3. It uses placement of the dots (above or below rectangle) to indicate language (Urdu or Arabic) instead of writing the lyrics in those languages. The lyrics are written in English and that makes sure that even if the reader cannot read either of the languages they can still sing the lyrics if they can read English.
  4. One can understand the pace of the song to a certain extent from the word density.
  5. At one point the colour of one singer blends into another, beautifully showing the way their voices combine.
  6. Gives the intervals between lyrics which is found only as 'instrumental' in brackets in lyrics you find online.


  1. The colours chosen are very bright and saturated, and the overall style doesn't reflect the peaceful feeling of the song.
  2. The temporal encoding isn't entirely accurate, according to the visual the song is 6:20 minutes long whereas it's actually 7:50 minutes long.
  3. It lacks information regarding the instrumental parts, such as type of instrument, vocal instrumental, etc.
  4. The visual is meant for people who can read English which limits the audience.
  5. The harsh boxes and the style goes against the representation of a peaceful, calming song.
HarshSPatil commented 2 years ago

Harshavardhan Patil, 20u130025 B.des share of deaths attributed to indoor air pollution in Africa link- image

What works

What doesn't work

A-b-h-i-s-h-e-k-D-u-t-t-a commented 2 years ago

World's Biggest Data Breaches & Hacks

Abhishek Dutta 20U130009

Link - screenshot 2



ghost commented 2 years ago

Title: The 1,234 satellites orbiting the earth

Mithun Murali, M.des IxD




  1. The title and the subhead instructions help the reader to understand how to interpret this visual representation.
  2. A straightforward and thematically appropriate black and white color theme is used which invokes the feeling of outer space; synonymous with the common perception of outer space.
  3. The quantitative data is organized and sequential, which also helps in easily tracing back to the root or the origin of each data branch.
  4. Clear representation of data using circles in orbit matching with the context. Relevant data are provided near each circle even though it may look cluttered on the first gaze.


  1. The scale of the 'concentric arc' is not easy to understand. There is no uniformity in the arcs' representation. The arc is not adding any value and hence it can be removed since the corresponding numerical data is already present near each circle.
tanushkasarang commented 2 years ago

Title: A Grand Taxonomy of Shakespearean Insults Student: Tanushka Sarang 20U130027

Infographic Designer: Charley Chartwell

What works well:

  1. Title is included in the infographic; there is no scope for confusion.
  2. The value of this infographic won't change overtime.
  3. It demands engagement of the viewer to understand the visual.
  4. Details have been incorporated well; the name of the play has been included for every Shakespearean insult.
  5. Colours used are soothing and apt, they represent the quotes displayed are of the past (early modern English).
  6. The infographic can be sold as a print, framed and hung on a wall, there is a commercial side to it.

What doesn't work:

  1. Only a limited subgroups can be included, for it to remain economical.
  2. Colours used in the subgroups are vague. E.g.: red for bodily qualities, brown for food/drink, yellow for types of individuals.
  3. To read the quotes and enjoy the infographic, one has to zoom in many times for it to be legible.
  4. The interlinking of certain quotes through opposite groups across the page, leads to clutter.
  5. The connected lines have to be placed in such a way that it doesn't overlap any other text, space is wasted because of this.
  6. There's no clear understanding of the number of Shakespearean plays used, one has to find them individually.


ApoorvAnurag commented 2 years ago

Apoorv Anurag 216330001 IxD M.Des 2nd year

Vegetables pounds per year per capita This chart shows the data for fresh vegetables (as opposed to canned or frozen). By pounds per day per capita, potatoes made up about half of all fresh vegetables in 1970. In 2019, that rate was about half, while overall vegetable consumption increased spread out through more varieties. The visualization is made by Nathan Yau, who has a PhD in Statistics from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).




  1. Colors are semantically assigned to the vegetable's color.
  2. The visualization tells when and at what time approximately the consumption of any vegetable crossed the consumption of another. This can mean a lot about people's behavioral changes or any social causes that led to it.
  3. Vegetables on the top get ample space compared to the vegetables at the bottom, which tells that Potatoes are consumed much more than vegetables at the bottom of the diagram.
  4. The data visualizer considered the factor of population change over the century. Hence it is good to consider consumption per capita per day. It gives a uniformity over the ages.


  1. At once, it isn't evident if we should compare the height of each vegetable's graph or the area.
  2. It is confusing if the consumption is visualized by the height of each colored portion of the vegetable or the length from the top of the colored part to the bottom of the graph.
  3. It is hard to see the visualizations in the middle and compare their consumption in a vertical direction. This may be because of the lack of grid lines.
  4. It does not give information about exactly how much the consumption of vegetables in between 1970 to 2019. The vegetables at the bottom are also not annotated by their consumption.
  5. It isn't easy to trace the name of the vegetable in between the graph. I must follow up the colored strip of that vegetable from either end to get their names.
Naman-Verma-gg commented 2 years ago

The science behind the most popular infographics ( )


I was on the internet looking around things about what made a good infographic when I found this beautiful one and I couldn't resist the urge to critique and talk about it here.



I felt the the story telling aspect of this infographic was phenomenal and it thus stuck with me.

AdarshPrakash01 commented 2 years ago

Adarsh prakash 20u130016 Bdes, 3rd year image

CRITIQUE PROS • The infographic covers a wide variety of subjects related to water footprint • The colour coding is trying to make a statement or tell a story that some countries are clearly suffering due to lack of water • The size and length related information is also easy to understand CONS • It doesn’t cover the topic of how much water is used for a specific product or use. It just conveys that water is being used. • The colour coding is not linear in the darkness of the colour used so it makes it harder to read. • Instead of green they could have used warmer colors like red, which gives more contrast and brings more attention to it

ankitgit-hub commented 2 years ago



The colours and the shape used give the visualisation an appearance of worm, which is inappropriate when the topic is Covid 19.

Choice of a spiral though not unusual to represent this kind of data, can be unfamiliar to the general audience.

Hard to tell estimate the no of cases using the width of the spiral

Pros -

It’s an attention grabbing visualisation, which very well could be it’s intended purpose since it accompanies an opinion piece.

Representing timelines with a spiral is economical and useful when real estate is of a concern (esp. on mobile)

Using a spiral makes it easy to see seasonality and correlation

Tejaswinipundge commented 2 years ago


Image source:

Stolen paintings : The data visualizes details of 40 stolen paintings such as artist, Time period, museum from which it got stolen. etc. since 1900.

Pros :


rubayatahmed commented 2 years ago

Rubayat Ahmed 216330013 IxD, M.Des

A data visualization exploring over a century of extinction. lessons_from_those_we_ve_lost_normal_res.pdf Screenshot (137)

What I liked :

  1. The circular graph created by 10 concentric circles and radii, is very useful while navigating threat categories of species.
  2. Proper instructions are given about how to read the visualization.
  3. Mentioning scientific names under each species might be very useful for people who have interest.
  4. Creating contrast between two consecutive years helps in easy navigation.

Could have been better :

  1. The analogy of depicting 120 species in a circular manner similar to a clock is good but there are few points I noticed which might have been considered regarding this.
  1. Types of animals i.e. Amphibians, Birds, Fish, Mammals, Reptiles are shown as alphabets only, which is difficult to identify when looked from distance and doesn't give the statistics of each types. Color coding/iconography could have solve the problem.
  2. Same years could have been grouped together, which would have help to understand year wise statistics.
  3. Color coding of of threat categories could have been made symbolic.
  4. Not all the species have all the threats, Most of them have 3/4 known threat categories, which keeps other concentric circles empty. Besides that the threat categories are color coded, so maintaining two features(color coding & concentric circle) to show one parameter is ambiguous.
  5. There are some hotspots where multiple impactful threats showed up to multiple species during the same time. But the visualization doesn't give any information or hint on that.

Overall the visualization gives individual species information quite well but it somewhat fails to show the patterns or co-relations between different factors.

IndubhusanRoy commented 2 years ago

Title: Visualizing the commercialization of space Name: Indubhusan Roy Roll no: 216330002 M.Des, 2nd Year, Interaction Design URL:

Webp net-resizeimage-67-1170x780

The above visualization was published in the Wall street Journal in a series of data visualizations demonstrating the commercialization of outer space.

Critique: Pros The visualization clearly displays the growth in commercialization over the years and also tries to provide an overview of the orbital locations and positions represented by the different nations.

Cons Though the graphic used as a background shows an overview of orbital positions it does not provide any significant information and also makes the graphic look overwhelming

The colors used vary from grey to a highlighting cyan in a black background. This gives more prominence to the activity of the cyan colored country and the grey counterparts are very less visible to almost negligible because of the choice of the black background.

The colors used for USSR and China are very close in the color wheel and are therefore difficult to distinguish when plotted together in higher numbers

When the contribution by 'other' countries are such a high number in some strands it might be necessary to show who these countries are to provide a better idea of upcoming countries who are advancing in this area.

Showing the number of satellite launched by a specific country may not be a direct representation of space commercialization by the nation as different satellites have very specific purposes

JaanhaviSP commented 2 years ago

Title: Satellites in space by Nadieh Bremer URL:


Pros: • The representation of the magnitude of the number of satellites is shown effectively; this makes us visualize the number of satellites that are in space • This data viz covers most of the details like Category, class, mass and launch date very effectively • The colour coding and classifying of each category by symbols has been done brilliantly, and the explanation for each colour and symbol is clearly mentioned as well • The necessary information like how to read the chart, Orbit distance and range and written clearly

Cons: • It is a bit overwhelming in the beginning, even though we get a grasp of what is happening • The launch date is differentiated by the difference in the shades of colours which is not very evident in the data viz • The colours (category) seemed to have clustered together for easy understanding while the symbols (class) do not, which does not give a holistic picture of the "class." • Orbits are illustrated very well, but is there a reason for the undefined shape? Could it be an accurate representation of orbits in space? If yes, is it a piece of the necessary information?
• The direction of the arrows to indicate "defence" is random and seems misleading. Does the direction of the arrows get to do anything with the direction of the satellite?

SanikaD19 commented 2 years ago

Title: The Billion Dollar O Gram Name: Sanika Deshpande Roll no: 216330011 M.Des, 2nd Year, Interaction Design URL:


Pros The data is composed in a whole which makes it easier to identify each of the proportions compared to the whole data visualization The colors are also chosen as per the importance of the category. User will focus more on the black tab at the first glance

Cons To make it fit in a whole, they have rearranged the boxes as per the space and not as per category. If they would have been as per category it would have been easier to compare the percentage Color coding has gradation which is mostly as per the amount but is not very clear. It looks like they have with a lot of effort made the information fit in the rectangle, no specific hierarchy of placement is followed Few very smaller units inside the main units doesn’t provide exact detailed information All the amounts are at an individual level, not able to picturise the total amount

Pratham-IDC commented 2 years ago

Football World Cup results throughout History 20U130024 Football Infographics URL -


  1. The team names are arranged alphabetically in circular order makes easy to look for particular teams data.
  2. Symmetry is playing good role and the lines are making navigation easier from stage to stage.


  1. The random colors given to the bubbles does not indicate anything only their size shows amount of finishes and it is Slightly making it confusing.

What can be Improved

  1. Bubbles can be colored in a monotone scheme to reduce confusion.
amitkumarram95 commented 2 years ago

Amit Kumar Ram Roll no. 216330005

Title : Keep it underground Link to visualization :


Context : The visualization shown above is breathtaking, to say the least. At the core, it is a simple yet profound representation of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, how that has increased over time, and how fossil fuel consumption is responsible. The lines, gradually growing denser as the years progress, project a bleak future, albeit in a sublime manner.



pavanxs commented 2 years ago

Major Streaming Services Compared.

Pavan Sai 20U130031




AadishGeorge commented 2 years ago

Aadish George 20u130036 111 Link - [] Positives

  1. If we scroll on those stacked bars, it shows a detailed data table showing the deaths that happened on the same day, making it more informative.
  2. Since the visualization is made using horizontal lines/ bars, it is kind of easy to track and differentiate between at least the first category: children, , also eliminating the use of necessity of a Y-axis marking.


1.Here, the lines which represent each drone strike are cluttered so much creating so much conclusion. Also some of them come from left while some from right, but it does not effectively convey any meaning, if any, adding on to the visual clutter it creates. 2.The difference between color codes given for children and civilians as well as high profile and others are very narrow creating that it is almost not differentiable.Plus the distinction between each year given is also very hard to see. 3.Also the stacked bar visualization is hard to compare. 4.If we scroll on that stacked bars, it show a detailed data table showing the deaths happened on the same day. But since what comes first in the stack is children, the deaths are not arranged according to the date, making it seem mixed.

PalakKatiyar09 commented 2 years ago

Palak Katiyar 20U130008

ss fell


What Works:

  1. The visualisation on the map lets us see how much each area (country) has been affected
  2. The graph shows how the number of meteorites have increased oover time very effectively
  3. The names written next to the biggest strikes help in getting more knowledge
  4. Mentioning of the main strike in the graph provides some basic knowledge to make the correlation regarding important events
  5. Visually, the colour scheme is reminiscent of meteorites and it looks homogenous

What does not Work:

  1. It is difficult to make the correlation between the afected areas and the time period
  2. Making the bubbles based on the weight gives the incorrect impression that that much area was affected
  3. It is not clear that in the areas, which were the exact spots that were affected
  4. the reason behind increase in number of meteors is difficult to gauge from the visualisation
  5. The years are not evenly mentioned in the graph, this can be cinfusing for viewers
Anngarime commented 2 years ago

Annapurna Garimella 216330010 M.Des. Interaction design

### Satellites in space by Nadieh Bremer for Scientific American


Positives :

Negatives :

hitansh1299 commented 1 year ago

Hitansh Shah 21F1001178 image This visualisation explores which countries in 2010 produced the largest amount of plastic waste and what percentage of this was inadequately managed, but more importantly how does this management correlate to the nation’s GDP per capita?

On the left side, we see the distribution of total plastic waste generation by continent, leading into segregation by country, measured in ascending order of tonnes per year. This takes account of per capita waste generation and population size.

This leads into the estimated total percentage of this waste that was inadequately disposed of, including disposal in dumps or open, uncontrolled landfills; meaning that the material is not fully contained and can be lost to the surrounding environment. This makes it at a risk of leakage to the natural environment into oceans via waterways, winds and tides.

Finally, these findings are presented with the caveat of the individual country’s GDP per capita, which provides a basic insight into national wealth and infrastructure, both of which could have a significant bearing on waste management.

What Works:

What Doesn't/Could be better: