info-design-lab / Plaksha_Dataviz

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Assignment 2: Burtin’s Antibiotic Data #2

Closed venkatrajam closed 1 year ago

venkatrajam commented 2 years ago

In the post-World War II world, antibiotics were called “wonder drugs,” for they provided quick and easy cures for what had previously been intractable diseases. Data were being gathered to aid in learning which drug worked best for which bacterial infection. Being able to see the structure of drug performance from outcome data was an enormous aid for practitioners and scientists alike. In the fall of 1951, Burtin published a graph showing the performance of the three most popular antibiotics on 16 bacteria.

The data used in his display are shown in attached Excel file. The entries of the table are the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), a measure of the effectiveness of the antibiotic. The MIC represents the concentration of antibiotic required to prevent growth in vitro. The covariate “gram staining” describes the reaction of the bacteria to Gram staining. Gram-positive bacteria are those that are stained dark blue or violet; whereas, Gram-negative bacteria do not react that way.

Present a graphical representation of these data and an accompanying written description of the graph.

(this assignment is a rerun of the Chance magazine's contest on the 100th birth anniversary of designer Will Burtin who published the first visualization of the data in 1951. Contest winners' submissions are here.)

utkg26 commented 2 years ago

Performance Comparison of the Most Popular Antibiotics

By: Utkarsh Garg

Antibiotic Performance

aravindbhaskar41 commented 2 years ago

Name : Aravind Bhaskar



ranjan8manish commented 2 years ago

Name: Manish Ranjan Assign2_mr

  1. Here I have used 2 horizontal stacked bar graphs to represent the quantity of each of the antibiotics (Penicillin, Streptomycin and Neomycin ) used for different types of bacteria.
  2. First graph shows the "Negative Gram Staining" , where Penicillin is used in maximum quantity for different bacteria. The graph shows that the performance of Penicillin is the worst.
  3. Second graph shows the "Positive Gram Staining" , where Streptomycin and Neomycin are used in more quantity for different bacteria. The graph shows that the performance of Penicillin is the best.
sahilshaheen commented 2 years ago


Burtin's antibiotic data visualisation

Choices made as per objectives of the visualisation

subratsaxena commented 2 years ago

Name: Subrat Saxena

Brucella anthracis

The data given has the following hierarchy:

  1. We have two classes based on Gram Staining i.e. Positive or Negative
  2. Under these two classes we have in total of 16 bacterias
  3. Each bacteria has its own reaction value with different antibiotics

Therefore, we needed a graph which could represent the data in the same hierarchial format along with the capability to compare the MIC levels. Therefore, this spyder graph seemed most suitable to do visualization for this data. The objective behind this data visualization is to enable user to compare different anti-biotics and their effect on different bacterias and this graph serves the purpose really well.

lohkna007 commented 2 years ago
Screenshot 2022-06-12 at 4 32 55 PM

Name: Gaurav Lohkna Assignment: 2

Description of the graph:

There is a trend that is visible in both the negative and positive gram staining when visualized separately. In the negative gram staining, Neomycin is much less effective as compared to the other two, and in positive gram staining, Penicillin seems to be much less effective than the rest of the two.

jaisal14 commented 2 years ago

Sheet 2

In the above graph, I have used three horizontal bar charts

  1. The color coding represents two classes, Positive and Negative of gram staining (Used color blind palette)
  2. There are three antibiotics for which we have MIC values which denote the effectiveness of antibiotics. Annotated these values for better comparison
  3. I have used a logarithmic scale as the data was skewed due to large values for effective comparison

Tool used: Tableau

akash-chowdhary commented 2 years ago

image image

Name: Akash Chowdhary


sehaj1001 commented 2 years ago

Name: Sehajpreet Kaur


Description: The chart used is a stacked bar chart. A logarithmic scale of base 10 depicts the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). This chart allows for comparison not just within a particular antibiotic but also across. Lower the MIC, better the effectiveness. Penicillin is more effective for positive gram straining and neomycin for negative gram straining.

rishav-gupta commented 2 years ago

Name: Rishav Gupta

positive2 negative2

Description: A stacked column chart is used to compare across antibiotics and also see each antibiotic in detail. A logarithmic scale of base 10 shows the MIC (or the effectiveness of each antibiotic). For positive, penicillin seems to be more effective while for negative, neomycin has the highest effectiveness.

tanyaahuja147 commented 2 years ago

image The Scale has been normalized before plotting. A simple line chart is used to visualize the effects .Penicillin is an effective drug in negative gram staining. image Streptomycin is an effective drug in positive gram staining

datababa1 commented 2 years ago

Name - Apratim Chandra Singh

Neomycin Pencilin Streptomycin

Observations :-

arnav-tlf commented 2 years ago

Name : Arnav Sharma

PositiveGramStaining NegativeGramStaining

Description :

pragun445 commented 2 years ago

Name - Pragun Aggarwal

Screenshot 2022-06-12 at 11 19 50 PM Screenshot 2022-06-12 at 11 13 48 PM Screenshot 2022-06-12 at 11 15 40 PM
josephbenofficial commented 2 years ago

Joseph Ben



Created two graphs for two classes. Used colours red and green to represent positive and negative classes respectively. Created a spider graph as it made the analysis easier and plotted on the logarithmic scale.

yasirulhadi commented 2 years ago
Screenshot 2022-06-12 at 10 43 00 PM

Name: Yasir ul Hadi


In the above graph, I used three horizontal bar charts respectively for Pencilin, Streptomycin & Neomycin.

pawanreddy-u commented 2 years ago

Name: Pawan Reddy Ulindala image image image

04kaushal commented 2 years ago

Name - Kaushal Kishore


Details Tool - Tableau Chart Type - Bar Chart


m-saiteja commented 2 years ago

Name: Sai Teja Muliki

image image

A stacked bar plot has been used to compare across the antibiotics. The lesser the proportion of the drugs, the better the efficacy. From this, we can conclude that for Positive Gram Strain, Penicilin is the most effective while for Negative Gram Strain it is Neomycin.

abhishekanandiimr commented 2 years ago

Name: Abhishek Anand

Negative Positive

Tool Used - Power BI


Apoorva2908 commented 2 years ago

Name : Apoorva Shekhawat

Chart type : Horizontal Bar




Lakshna1295 commented 2 years ago

Name - Lakshimi Naraayani

MicrosoftTeams-image (4)

MicrosoftTeams-image (5)

Description: From the bar plot, it is observed that Penicillin is most effective for Positive Gram Strain and Neomycin is effective for Negative Gram Strain.

Ramsai9ch commented 2 years ago


Comparison of the Most Popular Antibiotics Performances

Chart Type: WaterFall Chart




JazBern commented 2 years ago

Name : Jasmine Bernard

Neg_GS Pos_GS


  1. Used spline charts to represent the MIC measures for the three antibiotics on base-10 logarithmic scale.
  2. Two separate graphs to represent positive and negative gram staining.
  3. For gram-negative, it is clear from that graph that Neomycin has the lowest value for all bacteria.
  4. For gram-positive, Penicillin performs better in 4 out of the 7 cases.
BRupani commented 2 years ago

Name: Bhawna Rupani Visualization Design: Facet Horizontal Chart



  1. Most effective drug for negative gram stain is Penicilin.
  2. Neomycin works for both, performs best for positive gram stain.
  3. Streptomycin works for both positive and negative gram stain but is more effective for positive case.
LogeshKG commented 2 years ago

Name: Logesh Kumar G image image


  1. Used a filled radar chart to represent the MIC measures for the three antibiotics
  2. Separate graphs for both positive and negative gram staining
  3. Neomycin is effective in case of Gram-Negative staining
  4. Penicillin performs better for Gram-Positive staining
devashreepatel commented 2 years ago

Name- Devashree Patel

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-12 at 11 43 16 PM (1) WhatsApp Image 2022-06-12 at 11 43 34 PM


  1. In the first graph it is clear that Penicillin is performing better for negative gram staining bacteria.
  2. In the second graph, we can see that Neomycin is most effective for positive gram staining bacteria.
Harleen8-Bagga commented 2 years ago


1.Grouped all three (neomycin, penicillin, streptomycin) and stacked their 16 bacteria on the y-axis. 2.This way I am able to compare all the antibiotics within the context of all the 16 bacteria. 3.Classified negative as those with smaller widths and positive as ones with larger width.

SmrutiShirodkar commented 2 years ago

Name: Smruti Shirodkar

Butin's MIC Negative Butin's MIC Positive


  1. In the above graph, I have used two horizontal bar charts with Positive and Negative gram staining
  2. The color coding in each graph represents the antibiotics, Penicilin, Streptomycin and Neomycin
  3. For the three antibiotics we have MIC values which denote the effectiveness of antibiotics on a logarithmic scale
  4. Neomycin performs better among the three antibiotics for inhibiting the Gram-negative bacteria
  5. Penicillin performs better in 4 out of the 7 cases among the three antibiotics for inhibiting the Gram-positive bacteria
uneetkumarsingh commented 2 years ago



  1. Instead of MIC Levels, inverse of MIC levels have been plotted on log scale. This is because smaller MIC levels indicate more effectiveness and thus longer bar will intuitively indicate more effectiveness of the drug
  2. Since Gram Positive bacteria turn stain from blue to violet, they have been represented with shades of blue.
  3. Similarly, Gram Negative bacteria turn the stain to red, they have been represented with shades of red.
  4. Extremes of axis representing inverse of MIC levels have been labelled as Most effective and Least effective to ease graph interpretation.
  5. Scales and range of x axis in both subplots have been kept same so that efficacy can be compared across the subplots
udays2 commented 2 years ago

Name: Udaya Bhaskar Vaddi

Gram Staining - Positive dp

Gram Staining - Negative dn


  1. The legend on the right side of the visualization gives the names of the bacteria.
  2. The MIC(Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) level of antibiotics is on the y-axis increasing towards the bottom.
  3. The scale is different for every column and we can compare the drug's concentration used for the bacteria.
Riikon commented 2 years ago

Name: Arun Sar

Assignment Final 2

  1. Before plotting, the data has been normalized since the range for MIC was too large. Formula used was: (X-Xmin)/(Xmax-Xmin)
  2. The Gram Negative and Positive bacteria have been separated into two separate groups, on the same graph. Gram Negative Bacteria have been named using violet while Gram Positive Bacteria have been named using Green. This way an extra dimension was added to the visualization which allowed keeping all the data on a single bar graph which would facilitate easy comparison.
  3. Since, lower MIC level implies more effectiveness, the axis has been named accordingly to show this important fact.
  4. Three different colors have been used for each of the antibiotics for easy of differentiation while studying the visualization. Penicillin has been colored blue, Streptomycin as red and Neomycin as green. The same has been mentioned in the legends.
01supriya commented 2 years ago

Name: Supriya Kumar Mishra image image

taniadaw commented 2 years ago

Name: Tania Dawra image


sarthakvarora commented 2 years ago
Screenshot 2022-06-12 at 3 17 21 PM

Here's the thing! I personally love stacked charts, but often, the 100% stacked chart lacks some functionality which the other chart fulfils. For instance, in a 100% stacked chart, we are easily able to compare the efficiency of the antibiotics, but the metric value is lost. Hence, I created this chart where I stacked two stacked charts together, where the chart below fulfils the comparison and the chart above manages to give a sense of the metric value. Here are some other approaches and ideologies and inferences:

krishna151 commented 2 years ago

Name : Krishna Rajagopal image image


Aviral0 commented 2 years ago
Screenshot 2022-06-13 at 8 12 42 AM


My whole thought process was to convey the fact that lower the MIC concentration the better the drug it is

Santoshsrini commented 2 years ago

Name : R Santosh Srinivas Assignment 2

gram positive gram negative


The visualization technique used is that of a horizontal bar graph with a logarithmic scale with the bacteria type on the Y axis and the MIC value on the X axis.

MIC is plotted for the three different categories of drugs each depicted by a different color for effective comparison.

Penicillin is effective for Gram Positive bacteria and Neomycin for gram negative bacteria. Effectiveness is measured by low concentrations of MIC.

I used this method of visualization because at a glance one can know which drug is effective. The ones leaning towards the left ( MIC < 1 ) are more effective compared to the ones leaning towards the right ( MIC > 1) and this demarcation makes it visually easy to identify.

Apharna commented 2 years ago






Used a simple bar graph on the values sorted between Positive and Negative Strains. A Low value of MIC indicates higher effectiveness for the drug. Penicillin is effective in the case of positive strains and Neomycin for Negative strains

arunimamor commented 2 years ago

image image

Description :

sarthak78 commented 2 years ago

Name: Sarthak Gupta Assignment 2

Screenshot 2022-06-14 at 6 01 43 PM Screenshot 2022-06-14 at 6 03 46 PM

I have used a horizontal bar graph with a logarithmic scale reflecting the effect on the Y-axis and the type of bacteria on the X-axis. I have also shown the different bacteria effects on the type of vaccine. The purpose is to show the effect of all the bacteria on different vaccines to easily categorize their effect


The most effective vaccine for most of the Positive Gram Straining bacteria: Neomycin The most effective vaccine for most of the Negative Gram Straining bacteria: Penicillin

sundaramgupta commented 2 years ago

For Positive Gram Straining bacteria Neomycin is the best For Negative Gram Straining bacteria, Penicillin is the best

pos neg

blessondavis commented 2 years ago

gollu_bargraph gollu_bargraph-ve

Name: Blesson Davis

  1. The idea of taking each bacteria is to compare the effectiveness of the antibiotics.
  2. MIC might be jargon for the public, hence I mentioned that the lesser, the better in the graph.
  3. I made sure the bars are adequately visible by selecting the appropriate background colour.
  4. It matters a lot to whom this is presented. Scientific communities might find this graph easy to understand while a common person might not be about to grasp the depth of the data.
  5. Scaling was done to make a fair representation.

Also by showing the numbers on the bar, I wanted the person to know the exact value.

rishi456187 commented 2 years ago

Picture2 Picture1

Name Rishi Khandelwal

  1. the effects of all three drugs are color coded and log transformed.
  2. the bacteria against which the effect of a drug is measured is mentioned on the chart itself.
  3. postive and negative gram straining are represented differently so as to improve readability.