info370 / project-teamawesomeii

project-teamawesomeii created by GitHub Classroom
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Proposal feedback: Team TeamName V2 #6

Closed KinsTran closed 6 years ago

KinsTran commented 6 years ago

An interesting proposal about the effects of alcohol, however I do have many questions and ambiguous points to talk about. The first issue would be the "goal of your study" and the "decisions you plan to impact". You start by stating that you plan to help students make informed decisions about "drinking before and during tasks that can be fun and/or necessary", which is a bit ambiguous. Do you intend to write about this as when to drink for fun, or when to drink for job-like tasks that a student has to do? I feel like this needs to be defined a bit better. After that, I'm a little surprised that your recommendation and decision has already assumed that drinking alcohol will, in fact, help students in completing some tasks, and with "better quality" than uninhibited. You may want to adjust your recommendation and decision to be less "enthusiastic" about recommending drinking already.

Afterwards, there needs to be more specificity given to the sources and terms you reference. We probably can't just say "different outside sources" for our sources: we should say where we're getting them from, which may give the proper context to show why you are concerned about external factors being a problem (ex: "All our sources are from different places of varying reputability, such as WSU, so we are worried about...). Then you mention that "our plan involves the usage of at least two specific datasets...". Again, you should mention what they are, and why it seems like they may be unavailable.

In addition, there are a few terms that should be given a bit of background or definition, such as the "Ballmer's Peak", and the BAC. They aren't used in normal speech, and so should be elaborated on just a little bit more to give the proper context (ex: "Why is it called Ballmer Peak and how is it so specific to coding, what does BAC even stand for, Bank of America Corporation?").

I do like though that you have acknowledged your skills, and identified weaknesses. This is the first step to addressing them. That being said, it may not be as easy as you have stated it will be to "generalize data" for a general population, and you might want to think about and write more on how you will accomplish this other than through the power of group work. I also like that you addressed the possible downside of people misinterpreting your study as being a recommendation to being underage drinking, as that seems like a very likely and dangerous risk.

One final note I have is that your first step is to begin searching for datasets. I am not exactly sure about how many datasets there are for drinking while working, and I think you would be hard pressed to find any. As a result, the viability of your decision context may not be very good, barring the extreme step of conducting experiments yourself, which would be hard to design, hard to conduct, and hard to fund.