Finally and importantly, normal data cleaning can’t tell you if data were made up.
There are statistical analyses you can run that will point to potential
fraudulent data patterns, but regular data checking can’t tell you for sure
if a record was falsified. However, if you have tracking and restricted
access permissions on the dataset, you can tell when records were added,
altered, or deleted. {I feel like we should say something more concrete
about this but I don’t know what}
Finally and importantly, normal data cleaning can’t tell you if data were made up. There are statistical analyses you can run that will point to potential fraudulent data patterns, but regular data checking can’t tell you for sure if a record was falsified. However, if you have tracking and restricted access permissions on the dataset, you can tell when records were added, altered, or deleted. {I feel like we should say something more concrete about this but I don’t know what}