infobip / mobile-messaging-react-native-plugin

Mobile Messaging SDK plugin for React Native projects
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Unable to get App Icon on Notifications in Android #44

Closed ahadtechcarrot closed 1 year ago

ahadtechcarrot commented 1 year ago


I am unable to receive App icon on Notifications, it is just displaying the default square icon. I am sharing the code snippet and other informations for more details.

Versions : "react-native": "0.63.3", "infobip-mobile-messaging-react-native-plugin": "^5.0.1"

I am using this code for icon in AndroidManifest.xml :



I also tried in init method of Infobip in react-native : initMobileMessaging = () => { mobileMessaging.init( { applicationCode: Config.INFOBIP_KEY, ios: { notificationTypes: ["alert", "badge", "sound"], logging: true, }, android:{ notificationIcon: 'R.drawable.notification_icon' } }, () => {}, (error) => {} ); };

Please let me know if I have done any mistakes on the above codes or do I need to add any other additional code in order to display the icon?