infobip / mobile-messaging-react-native-plugin

Mobile Messaging SDK plugin for React Native projects
26 stars 5 forks source link

Module 'MobileMessaging' not found #9

Closed PavanApollo closed 3 years ago

PavanApollo commented 3 years ago

Hello Team, I have installed mobile-messaging-react-native-plugin on the app and followed the instructions mentioned on Readme file, however it is throwing Module 'MobileMessaging' not found error even after doing pod install after npm installation. Hope someone can help in integration to iOS. @riskpp @tjuric

tjuric commented 3 years ago

Hi @PavanApollo, Could you try to run our Example application first? Instructions:

PavanApollo commented 3 years ago

Hi @tjuric

  1. For the example app, we needed to provide our own APNS and FCM so we can upload it on Infobip profile and get back the application code !?
  2. And another thing is that how to provide FCM Sender ID on string.xml for android !? I have no idea what are the protocols to follow !? Please refer to the image down below for further clarification. Screenshot 2021-02-04 at 10 16 15 AM