infobloxopen / atlas-cli

Apache License 2.0
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remove period delimiters from project #62

Open drewwells opened 4 years ago

drewwells commented 4 years ago

Periods having meaning to many parsers. JSON and YAML for instance will assign different types to app-name vs TOML requires brackets to support periods. This is why you rarely, if ever, see periods used to delimit strings in any language. We have introduced periods to nearly every aspect of this project. As a result we are forced to do strange things to support something that has dubious technical reasons for its introduction.

We will remove periods from the project and replace them with the preferred delimiter of the code being generated.

Helm camelCase

chicken: true
chickenNoodleSoup: true

Viper is case insensitive, use stapler case for cli args They use crazy case to showcase the insensitivity. - is a safer choice to avoid conflicting keys.

logrus-level: info

yaml camelCase - follow the conventions found in k8s itself

apiVersion: apps/v1

json camelCase - following k8s practice

  "apiVersion": "apps/v1"