Closed dkogue closed 6 years ago
Hey there! First of all, let me start by explaining how the status of vulns works on Faraday. The idea of vulns status is to mark their current state on your target. Therefore a vuln will be automatically opened when just imported into faraday, can be changed to Closed for example if the vuln has been fixed and if a scan imported into faraday shows that same vulnerability again Faraday instead of creating a new vuln will mark the existent one as Re-Open to better keep track of said vuln. You can read more about it on this wiki:
What you did to integrate Faraday with Jira sounds amazing! Thought you should know out of the box integration with JIRA is one of the features that come with commercial versions of Faraday! If you would like a demo just to let us know. Your vision of how to track the history of a vulns sounds very interesting too, and i will talk to the developer team about maybe including it on our roadmap. For now as a workaround, have you considered maybe changing the vuln status when sending it yo JIRA? In any case thank you for the feedback and let us know how it goes!
@WinnaZ Thanks WinnaZ for your feedback. really appreciated. I have few questions. Is it possible to edit individual vulnerability through cli or API? Is it possible to add a special column different from the default ones at the Status report page? (for example a column that retrieved comments made in jira so they can be viewed directly in Faraday)
Is the "./fplugin -w XXX create_note" creating note for individual vulnerability? If yes can share the options that are needed to execute that? Tanks @WinnaZ ...
@WinnaZ I managed to create a note but when I click on a note section on the webui it doesnot open. How can I access a note and what it is the use for?
1) Yes it is possible on the new version. Faraday V3 has a brand new REST API made almost from scratch. If you go into the web ui and open de develover tools right before clicking on edit you'll the request that's made. If you copy that request and change the json you can edit any vulns directly from the API. 2) Notes has been deprecated on Faraday V3
FYI: Notes has been deprecated but replaced with a new section called Comments.
Thansks a lot @WinnaZ ... keep up the good work.
@WinnaZ Is the comment section available in the community version? Because I cannot see it.
also an example of how to pass a comment through an API will be much appreciated.
@dkogue comments is available only in the api rest right know. You can see all api views using show_urls.
thanks I will appreciate an example .
curl -X PUT -H 'Cookie: session= .eJw90EGLgzAQBeC_suTci6lehB4KpsWFmaBEw-RS2K7FJs0uaIs6pf99pYe9Px7fe09xugzd2Iv8Pjy6jThdv0X-FB9fIhcY6xvIKgHb3rStZrJqJu6DNkGCJ3ax9RAPV23aHjzMwGohH7a6UAlxmJFBalNK8iWjbCbk9oocUvRqC77cOlOlJJsM-BbQ0ETyELX9jFA0DEYtwMTI58SZZs0fAlkXiSmjqFJX7JfVk-ojLCSrnXhtxHkcLqf7b-h-_ic4c2bwTQKmTEHCjEUfVuqEto5wbCNImmHlgleZs3VwHnvc7951j7Eb3neIRLz-AGOJYZU.DjtjbA.9qeZMOBRQ2xFbO4mxx1d3AC60M0' -d '{"title": ""}'
but I got below response:
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>Object with id "1" not found</p>
Hi there.
We realised that you are missing the header 'Content-Type: application/json'. Make sure that you used it in all the requests to the API.
Here is a full example of how to use the comments in the API using curl.
First login to the API. Remember to use 'Content-Type: application/json' NOTE: in the "email" field you have to put your username. And in "password" put your username's password.
curl -s '' \
-H 'Origin:' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' \
-H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01' \
-H 'Referer:' -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' \
-H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
--data-binary '{"email":"faraday","password": "Password123"}' \
--compressed -c cookie.txt > /dev/null
To create the comment, you have to use POST and instead of "title", use "text" and remember the 'Content-Type: application/json'. The response will be a json with a new comment id. The json must contain object_type and object_id which correspond to Faraday object. Currently we support to comment host, service, comment. NOTE: In the example we comment a host with id: 1073.
curl -X POST -d '{"text": "", "object_type": "host", "object_id": 1073}' -b cookie.txt -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Our front-end doesn't show comments yet, but you can consult the API like this:
curl -X GET -b cookie.txt -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
We realised that you are using PUT method, that is for update the comment. And in this case we need to create it, so we use then POST.
Remember that our commercial version supports JIRA integration and we can send you a demo for free if you want to try it out.
@llazzaro Thank you very much for these details explanations.
@llazzaro @WinnaZ
does a comment get deleted between two upload or scan (that is I do a first upload and add a comment. then I scan the same target with same scanner and upload again)
It should not get deleted. You can check the comment table by doing:
python sql_shell
select * from comment;
Thanks @llazzaro for your swift feedback..
@llazzaro @WinnaZ
please can we have an example upload_report api call. I think I missing something while doing so: hers is my call
curl -X POST '' -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' -b cookie.txt --data-binary '/home/lab/Desktop/zap.xml' —compressed
@dkogue you are sending to the server the path of the file. I can't remember the parameter but I think is -F to send file contents.
@WinnaZ @montive
HI Team, Thanks for all your supports. I trying to push scan result automatically to faraday but have been unsuccessful. Is there anything wrong with my function. Also I am using a tool chain of scanners know as securecodebox. Do you think their scan result format can be the cause.
I have attached a scan result from a securecodebox with zap_scanner module result.txt
def login_faraday(scan_findings):
s = requests.Session()
headers = {
'Origin': '',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01',
'Referer': '',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
data = '{"email":"faraday","password": "0zGGdiWu7eiY"}'
headers_faraday_connection = {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
response ='', headers=headers, data=data)
cookies = s.cookies.get_dict()
push_scanresult_faraday ='', headers=headers_faraday_connection,cookies=cookies, data=scan_findings
Hi there.
Here is an example of a function that uploads a report to Faraday.
def login_faraday():
# File to upload
files = {'file': open('/PATH/TO/FILE', 'rb')}
s = requests.Session()
# /login
headers = {
'Origin': '',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01',
'Referer': '',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
data = '{"email":"faraday","password": "changeme"}'
response ='', headers=headers, data=data)
cookies = s.cookies.get_dict()
# /session
response_session = requests.get('', cookies=cookies)
cookies_session = response_session.cookies.get_dict()
csrf_token = {'csrf_token': response_session.json()['csrf_token']}
# Uploading report
upload ='', data=csrf_token, cookies=cookies_session, files=files)
In order to be able to upload a report, you need the CSRF token and session's cookies. Remember that the requests parameters only take key/value pairs. That's why files is a dict.
If you want to upload a report by using cURL, here is an example:
curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--cookie "session=.eJw90M2KwjAQB_BXWXL2YGu9CB6UlGJhpgSCZeZS2FpNJ2YXqkI24rtv18O-wO__8VTdeRpuTm3u02NYqG48qc1TfXyqjWK9SyyUYVsWmMrUWDei9Etsj4FaDKydw-Qj5KZo9CWSNUu2uzXktQM5XSnxyJVZgTaRrYkk-xEt5ZQfVmT3DmcfKvrhcBQUKMgeIoQysb0knjMh-QIEliyQQzJZ0-IV_kx7DWDZY1WPmNCD9Fv1Wqj-Np27-7cfvv4noNTSVCZjXSaYK2KgiLqMTTtX1H7daMpmPnLFgtpHSk7YbN_c4zZM7ztUoV6_3rRiDA.DkoypQ.q7eGzh1oof8dKnbF4q6xD_n1d6o" \
--form "file=@PATH/TO/FILE" \
--form "csrf_token=IjYyYzhkNWQxMzA4MTZmMTQxMTliYTA5OTg2NWYzMWRmYzQ5MWM4Y2Ui.Dko4Zw.sZ-LLdGoxaNFUaySFFQMvyLecxc" --compressed
To get session's cookie, go to the WebUI's tab: Status Report, and take it from Request Headers section of the console. And to get the CSRF token, in the same console, go to the tab Response.
Thanks @montive. Please did you look at my result format? do you think Faraday will be able to import it. Thank again for always answering my questions. really appreciate it :)
just to confirm in your example you name your workspace api right? I get report uploaded to firaday but firaday does not display anything.
my report is: scanresult.txt
@WinnaZ @montive
Your feedback would be highly appreciated.
here is the message after upload then no alerts is displayed
Import Reconng: /root/.faraday/uploaded_reports/C35MGSVM40M9scanresult
Thanks in advance.
@WinnaZ @montive Trying to post a comment using service object type but getting below error. Host object type works fine. Thanks in advance.
curl -X POST -d '{"text": "", "object_type": "service", "object_id": 5}' -H 'Cookie: session=.eJxFkE9rg0AQxb9K2XMOcWMvQi5lrViYXRLGLDMXoWr834ImqBvy3bvk0tMw7w2P95uHyK9TNTciuk33aifythTRQ7x9i0iwagYaITDJxU8KNRYLdb3UruwJs0Cr-gCJ9t5XB_K0J4RN28yB-miN_Wx49JqLF5LZYhAcJ7EESdLfbIxpyIo7k4AzmC2Mccj27Hc9Ep6kxtgR0p67YWQFPpPeydGBR93ohDawFBJeOrCp79EfxXMninm65rffvvr5R8BhMJguhM0Aqmw8hmMspFbnjkdajSpWsNySTVfGOtQqlVwfX3H3uZpe7xCBeP4Ba9lhPA.DlF-QA.aP2OE97YUQcltizAmA-24K9geS8' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' {"message":"Can't comment object of another workspace"}
Hello Team, we all appreciate your tool and the great work you are doing. But we would appreciate more if you can provide feedback on questions ask. Thank and wish you all a great week.
Hey there, Half of your team is Presenting Faraday v3 at Black Hat this week, sorry if we take longer to reply we have our hands full. Are you absolutely sure that workspace test has a service with id=5 ? Cheers!
@dkogue can you check using the sql_shell (python sql_shell) that the service object with id=5 is on the workspace name test? Try this query:
select, from workspace, service where = service.workspace_id and
I Have a script that upload scans report to Faraday, and then automatically logs high severity vulnerabilities to Jira.
Now between two scans I want to log only new high severity vulnerabilities that were not found in the previous upload. As earlier vulnerabilities may be in work in progress status in Jira.
Is it possible to identify these type of vulnerabilities at Faraday level, as this will help me know which alerts to log?
I tried with the status flag but, unfortunately its reinitialized when a new report upload is done. Any idea or hint will be much appreciate.