infobyte / faraday

Open Source Vulnerability Management Platform
GNU General Public License v3.0
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duplicate in same vulnerability found by two different scanners #350

Closed NRGLine4Sec closed 1 year ago

NRGLine4Sec commented 5 years ago

How to deduplicate the result of a scan with OpenVAS and Nexpose on the same target ? When I import the OpenVAS report and the Nexpose report, the vulnerability found are detected as different vulnerability or most of them are the same.

WinnaZ commented 5 years ago

Hey there, Right now we don't have an specific feature to do this task. A vulnerability is considered the same in faraday as long as it has the same: Name, Description and Target. We are thinking of a way of implementing this sort of intelligence for future version. Cheers!

gister9000 commented 3 years ago


Hi! Can you please confirm if following sentence is still true today? A vulnerability is considered the same in faraday as long as it has the same: Name, Description and Target.

I believe these 3 fields are not enough - at least port needs to be added. It is very common to have, for example, identical SSL/TLS issue on different ports on the same host. Faraday would consider those duplicates and include only one of those.

I'm trying to copy a vulnerability (through template db) and change only the port, but vulnerability does not get added. However, nessus imports several copies of vulnerabilities which seem like duplicates (different port, but Name, Description, Target the same so I guess that sentence is not true anymore.

pls hlp

llazzaro commented 3 years ago


Faraday uses the following unique constraint in the database:

vulnerability_uniqueness = DDL(
    "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uix_vulnerability ON %(fullname)s "
    "(md5(name), md5(description), type, COALESCE(host_id, -1), COALESCE(service_id, -1), "
    "COALESCE(md5(method), ''), COALESCE(md5(parameter_name), ''), COALESCE(md5(path), ''), "
    "COALESCE(md5(website), ''), workspace_id, COALESCE(source_code_id, -1));"

It also depends on the service and each service has a unique port. Vulnerabilities affected by a port has a service_id value