infojamjames / STAT_FL

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Timetables #7

Open infojamjames opened 1 year ago

infojamjames commented 1 year ago

Timetables - Location, time, day and tutor. Timetables - Option to duplicate the sessions for a period of time (e.g. Tutor at this time on this day every week for 4 weeks)

infojamjames commented 1 year ago

Need @andymarsden help / recommend way of building this as I am unsure how recurrency works in the back end.

infojamjames commented 1 year ago


infojamjames commented 1 year ago


infojamjames commented 1 year ago

Think of duplicating a set of sessions over a period.

infojamjames commented 1 year ago

Plan timetables / duplication

infojamjames commented 1 year ago

Main timetable screen


infojamjames commented 1 year ago
infojamjames commented 1 year ago

Weeks remaining on the screen will be 0, where the user should duplicate or disable. image

infojamjames commented 1 year ago

The delete / disable button will be used whenever the session wants to be deleted. Would we have an archived section in admin? image

infojamjames commented 1 year ago

Need to work out:

Could we show all next sessions if we click on a session schedule? but the disabled sessions are blurred out? With an option to enable?

infojamjames commented 1 year ago

I want to pick a date using a date picker (preferably using week names too), and then choose how many weeks it occurs for.

infojamjames commented 1 year ago

If you can only duplicate the session schedule when the weeks remaining is 0, then this is no good. (I said this not actually knowing how / when we would be able to duplicate a session schedule)

infojamjames commented 1 year ago

On overflow menu on the timetable page have Edit / Duplicate / Delete (if session schedule has been added by accident) / Disable (would we be able to then enable through admin?)

infojamjames commented 1 year ago

When duplicating, do we want to edit whilst duplicating (Kristina’s request)

James opinion: If you wanted to change something, you should create a new one as this is defeating the object of duplicating

infojamjames commented 12 months ago

Instead of duplicating - use extending