informalsystems / tendermint-rs

Client libraries for Tendermint/CometBFT in Rust!
Apache License 2.0
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Complete P2P implementation #1347

Closed VegeBun-csj closed 9 months ago

VegeBun-csj commented 9 months ago

Will this project achieve complete tendermint P2P functionality in the future (which is completely corresponding to the tendermint P2P in the Go language version)? Currently, it seems only implements the function of secret connection, but there are still many things that are missing

VegeBun-csj commented 9 months ago

@brapse @tarcieri @xla @hdevalence hello guys, cc. Can we discuss it?

xla commented 9 months ago

Unlikely, given it isn't a priority.

VegeBun-csj commented 9 months ago

@xla. Currently, if Tendermint Rust only implements the type without implementing a node, it will be meaningless. Currently, only the Tendermint P2P in the Go language is fully implemented. To be honest, Tendermint-Rust has a lot of gaps to fill.

hdevalence commented 9 months ago

It's not meaningless, we built a whole blockchain using it. The crate provides common data types for modeling Tendermint/CometBFT data, and that's very valuable.