informalsystems / tendermint-rs

Client libraries for Tendermint/CometBFT in Rust!
Apache License 2.0
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Allow rate limiting clients #1420

Open SuperFluffy opened 1 month ago

SuperFluffy commented 1 month ago


I need to rate limit our tendermint-rpc HttpClient to not DOS our cometbft node. Unfortunately, tendermint_rpc::client::http::Builder and tendermint_rpc::client::http::HttpClient do not provide ways to set a tower middleware like its RateLimitLayer.

Prior art for how this could be achieved is for example by providing a set_middleware method as is done by jsonrpsee here:

Internally, they wrap their hyper client in the provided ServiceBuilder:

I am going to try and work around it using the techniques described in this reqwest issue tracker here: (specifically using tower::ServiceBuilder::service_fn), but that requires a lot of extra boilerplate at the application level.

Definition of "done"

Being able to rate-limit outgoing requests over http. The general solution would be to allow setting arbitrary tower::Services, but rate limiting would be great.

romac commented 1 month ago

Sounds good to me, would gladly accept a PR for this :)