informatics-isi-edu / chaise

An adaptive user interface for the Deriva platform.
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faceting skeleton #792

Closed hongsudt closed 6 years ago

hongsudt commented 7 years ago

Note: this skeleton should incorporate all the flow mentioned in for one column.

hongsudt commented 7 years ago

@RFSH should you merge the UX code that you have to chaise?

RFSH commented 7 years ago

@hongsudt It is just a mock-up. I cannot see the value of merging it now. It is not functional and just shows how the UI works. It also needs improvement to its UI and UX. I will keep it in my own directory (

hongsudt commented 7 years ago
hongsudt commented 7 years ago

some more UX feedback:

jrchudy commented 7 years ago

Can we remember the current search page This won't be possible because selecting a new checkbox to facet on will produce a new set of data. That set of data may or may not include the data from the previous query that was being shown.

Can we make the area that summarizes existing filters sizable Do you mean on each facet or above the recordset table? Either way, this should be simple.

hongsudt commented 7 years ago

Based on the feedback today:

RFSH commented 7 years ago

UX HTML and CSS changes:

jrchudy commented 7 years ago

@RFSH as I start working on a new task I will mark it in the above list. I am working from top to bottom.

jrchudy commented 7 years ago

Functional changes:

RFSH commented 6 years ago



karlcz commented 6 years ago

It occurred to me that we might want a small UX toggle to expand/hide the faceting sidebar and a query parameter in the fragment ID to expose the toggle state. There might be scenarios where the DBA is constructing URLs from landing pages etc. and may want to make it open or closed depending on whether the page is intended to be more of a listing or more of a search interface. But having a small GUI toggle would let the user override the DBA choice if they have a different goal in mind...

Edit: so this would be more specific than a chaise-config setting. Maybe the chaise-config setting would set a default state for this parameter when not specified in the URL?

jrchudy commented 6 years ago
robes commented 6 years ago

Bug: infinite spinner...

  1. go to
  2. expand Organism
  3. select 'Mouse'
  4. expand Mouse Gene
  5. search on 'msx'
  6. select 'MSX1'
  7. expand Phenotype
  8. spinning
robes commented 6 years ago

Bug: Accession should be scalar

As I mentioned in stand up, the Accession should be a set of scalar value 'FB00001232',... choices.

robes commented 6 years ago

Bug: factor in the 'view more' filters

As I mentioned in slack room. When you get to a recordset page from a record page's nested table's 'view more' link, the facets do not account for the join filters.

robes commented 6 years ago

Bug: filter on inbound foreign key should be an entity picker

Also as mentioned this morning in standup. The facets for entities linked by inbound FKeys, e.g., "Publication (Dataset)" or "Assay (Dataset)" seem to give you a range picker that ranges over the publication.dataset which is a fkey based on the which is a serial key. Not meaningful for a user to select on, and anyway ought to be the entity picker for the linked entity, e.g., Publications.

robes commented 6 years ago

Bug: "Error: TypeError"

I don't know if its just stale code but as I mentioned on slack, I always get the above terminal error just going to the test link.,id)

I can dismiss it, in order to use and evaluate the new feature.

robes commented 6 years ago

Bug: show some label like "No value" in place of empty to represent the NULLs

I mentioned this in stand up too.

robes commented 6 years ago

Bug: use the display name for related references

I may be wrong... but I have a feeling you may not be using the display name of the related reference for the facets.

For example,

Notice that there are two "Project" facets, because there are two assocations in the data model between person and project.

If you drill down you will see the nested table is named differently.

Faceting should be using the same heuristic. If it is already, then this issue is invalid.

Edit: I'm pretty certain that you are not using the reference display name. Here's another example,

"Person" repeated twice.

robes commented 6 years ago

Bug: some shading effect which seems like it might be caused by different height divs/panels


It looks this way in both FF and Chrome. If needed I can post a screen shot.

robes commented 6 years ago

Bug: overlapping facets


To recreate:

  1. go to
  2. expand List of Anatomical Structure
  3. select 'branchial arch, facial mesenchyme'
  4. the Original Species Assembly facet is now overlapping the facet beneath it.
robes commented 6 years ago

Note: I cannot recreate but appears to be a bug lurking in there.

After playing around with expanding/collapsing facets; selecting/unselecting from one facet to reduce the set of options in another facet; I can work my way into a state where the other facets list will not get restored even though I’ve unselected all of the options in a different facet.

jrchudy commented 6 years ago

I have collected all of the bug reports and unfinished features that were discussed in this PR as well as in the slack channel, isrd-chaise, and created issues for them. Each of these issues were attached to either the round 1 epic (#678) or the round 2 epic (#1257).

Anymore comments or bugs should be reported as issues and we can triage them for either round 1 or round 2. This issue will no longer be used to track changes for faceting. Closing this issue.