information-artifact-ontology / IAO

information artifact ontology
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is duration of is missing the inverse property has duration #238

Open keesvanbochove opened 3 years ago

keesvanbochove commented 3 years ago

IAO includes the term IAO_0000413 which 'relates a process to a time-measurement-datum that represents the duration of the process', but it doesn't include the inverse property which would be 'has duration'.

It would be useful to include this in the ontology for inference purposes, something like:

@prefix : <http://todo#> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix obo: <> .
@prefix specifies_value_of: <> .
@prefix has_measurement_unit_label: <> .

    rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty;
    rdfs:domain obo:BFO_0000015; # process
    owl:inverseOf <>;
    rdfs:range [
    rdfs:subClassOf obo:OBI_0001931; # scalar value specification
    rdfs:subClassOf [
        owl:intersectionOf (
            rdf:type owl:Restriction;
            owl:onProperty specifies_value_of:;
            owl:someValuesFrom obo:PATO_0000165; # time (quality)
            rdf:type owl:Restriction;
            owl:onProperty has_measurement_unit_label:;
            owl:allValuesFrom obo:UO_0000003; # time unit