I worry that exclusion subset ontology module isn’t really a subclass of ontology module (and hence also isn’t really a subclass of subset ontology module). The curator note for the ontology module class seems to indicate that instances of it and its subclasses are OWL ontologies, which the alternative label suggests should be understood to be computer files of a certain sort (such as .owl files). However, the current definition of ‘exclusion subset ontology module’ says that an ESOM is just a subset of an ontology that is intended to be excluded for some purpose, which presumably includes subsets that don’t themselves comprise the content of any computer file.
I worry that exclusion subset ontology module isn’t really a subclass of ontology module (and hence also isn’t really a subclass of subset ontology module). The curator note for the ontology module class seems to indicate that instances of it and its subclasses are OWL ontologies, which the alternative label suggests should be understood to be computer files of a certain sort (such as .owl files). However, the current definition of ‘exclusion subset ontology module’ says that an ESOM is just a subset of an ontology that is intended to be excluded for some purpose, which presumably includes subsets that don’t themselves comprise the content of any computer file.
(I admit I might be mistaken here.)