informedcitizenry / 6502.Net

A .Net-based Cross-Assembler for Several 8-Bit Microprocessors
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Cannot use the +/- anonymous labels preceding a macro call #10

Closed svallee-dev closed 2 years ago

svallee-dev commented 2 years ago

Found another issue, something that used to work before but is now throwing an error: whenever I have a "+" or "-" anonymous label on a line where I call a macro, I'm getting this error:

Cannot redefine "+".

For instance:

        lda zp_write_buffer
        beq +
        .SET16 BC, RAMMap.Map1
+       .SET16 BC, RAMMap.Map0

(note that my macro does not contain a + label, which was my first guess).

Using an anonymous label seems to always work fine if I use it on a non-macro instruction. For instance if I add a "nop" instruction on the + line in the example above, it compiles without errors.

informedcitizenry commented 2 years ago

Again, I think the culprit may be your macro. Here is my mock-up of your code, all compiles fine.

SET16   .macro v1, v2
        lda \v1
        sta (0,x)
        lda \v2
        sta (1,x)

BC = 3
zp_write_buffer = 0

        lda zp_write_buffer
        beq +
        .SET16 BC, RAMMap.Map1
+       .SET16 BC, RAMMap.Map0

    .namespace RAMMap
Map1    .word ?
Map0    .word ?
svallee-dev commented 2 years ago

Thank you for looking into all of them! Not sure how they are not replicable on your side but I'll try to dig more and find better repro steps.

The +/- breaking my Macros with a "Cannot redefine +" error happens 100% of the time on my side. Does not matter which macro I use, and all these macros works fine when used without a preceding +/-.

Here's more context that maybe matters: the code breaking by using +/- before a macro are inside various block/endblock, and the macros are defined outside of these blocks.

informedcitizenry commented 2 years ago

Just curious, does the layout of the blocks look something like this?

someblock  .block

            lda zp_write_buffer
            beq +
        .SET16 BC, RAMMap.Map1

    someother .block

    +       .SET16 BC, RAMMap.Map0



informedcitizenry commented 2 years ago

Just a final follow-up on this. I believe the issue may have been you were referencing anonymous labels out of scope. Can you confirm?