infoxicator / react-native-star-prnt

React-Native bridge to communicate with Star Micronics Bluetooth/LAN Printers
MIT License
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Failed to Open Port via Ethernet only with weird checkStatus result #64

Open javascripter opened 4 years ago

javascripter commented 4 years ago

First thanks for this wonderful library. I've successfully implemented printing functionality for MCP31LB (mC-Print3) using portDiscovery() and print() function via Bluetooth and Lightning on iPad.

  1. When I try to find my printer connected to a WiFi router using portDiscovery(), it returns an empty array on some routers and in some other routers, it does return an array containing a correct IP address (ex. TCP: 192.168.86.xx).

Maybe it's related to some router configuration, but I'm not sure what to look for.

  1. In the latter case, print() fails with status code Failed to Open Port even with the result returned by portDiscovery(). If I do checkStatus(),
  "overTemp": false,
  "cutterError: false,
  "coverOpen": true,
  "offline": false,
  "receiptPaperEmpty": false

result is lacking firmware version (maybe getting firmware version failed?), and somehow coverOpen returns true though it's not.

My code is like this.

StarPRNT.checkStatus('TCP:192.168.86.xx', 'StarPRNT')

If I connect via Bluetooth, the result of checkStatus() looks correct with the following:

    "coverOpen": false,
    "overTemp": false,
    "ModelName": "mC-Print3",
    "FirmwareVersion": :3.1",
    "offline": false,
    "receiptPaperEmpty": false,
    "cutterError": false,

I'm not sure what's happening here, also not sure where to look for either..

If anyone knows what the cause of this could be, I'd really appreciate some help/information.

javascripter commented 4 years ago

I fixed it by updating the SDKs to the latest ones and created a pull request for this. Hope this helps.