infracloudio / krius

A tool to setup Prometheus, Thanos & friends across multiple clusters easily for scale
Apache License 2.0
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Initial level design questions and disucssions #8

Open girishg4t opened 3 years ago

girishg4t commented 3 years ago

1) when we do krius install Prometheus, which chart we need to use ? We need to use Prometheus Operator also we need to use helm sdk to install the chart etc (not the direct command) ?

2) When we install new chart should i take release name as random number with krius ? If release name and namespace is passed by flag like below --name=my-release --namespace=demo else generate it

3) do we need to give support for values.yaml as well ? Not for Prometheus operator

4) how to we install sidecar or receiver through thanos from which chart ? i. As per discussion with Shaunak and other's when we do krius install thanos sidecar we need to use to enable the sidecar ii. when we do krius install thanos receiver then we have to use Note: to install receiver objstore configuration need to be installed

Below questions need to be confirmed 1) What we need to do when use give command krius configure objstore , this is because to install receiver we need to use objstore , so will it be in sequence or receiver install will install objstore automatically, also values.yaml need to be passed

2) how we will do helm repo add for eg. when we do "helm install [RELEASE_NAME] prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack" 3) How we will be adding sidecar to the existing prometheus component if the release name is dynamically generated

Dhru1Tanna commented 3 years ago

Adding to it,