infradom / ecopower_dynamic_grid_prices

Dynamic Grid Prices for Ecopower
MIT License
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This integration is NOT for the normal Ecopower contracts #4

Open lennie-BE opened 1 year ago

lennie-BE commented 1 year ago

It seems usefull to me to clarify more clearly in the documentation that this integration is only usefull for a limited number of Ecopower clients in a pilot project that use dynamic grid prices.

I know that this is exactly the name of this integration but never the less some mixup with the new price calculation since november 2022 (semi fixed + semi variable) for the regular clients is possible. It least I understood it wrong en asked Ecopower for access to their API to find out it would't do what I expected it to do.

infradom commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback. I added a warning in the README

lennie-BE commented 1 year ago

Well done! Thanks!

thibaultmol commented 1 year ago

I have a normal ecopower contract. But I would like to see the dynamic tariffs in home assistant already, just to get a 'feel for it'. Guess there's no problem in adding it then?

infradom commented 1 year ago

Guess there's no problem in adding it then?

No, this changes nothing to the Home Assistant, just adds some entities that will be there for information only There might be a small problem that you do not have the Ecopower API keys that may be needed to access the API if you do not have a dynamic contract.

thibaultmol commented 1 year ago

Yeah, needing API key's is something I was afraid of /assumed. Guess I could contact support to see if they could provide them to me, even though i'm not in the test project. Probably not. But who knows

infradom commented 1 year ago

I would recommend to use the Nordpol integration. Nordpol can be used as backup source for my integration (not sure if it will work without the API keys).. It has been a long time since I developed this, so I need to look into the code for a more accurate answer

thibaultmol commented 1 year ago

Thx for the recommend! Nordpol works perfectly!

TheGroundZero commented 9 months ago

Any idea on what the additional_costs config for Nordpool would be to correctly calculate the Ecopower prices?

Price for grid import is 1,02 * EPEX DA + 4 euro/MWh but then there's also the contributions for GSC and WKK as well as region-based tarrifs (nettarieven) and levies (heffingen), and VAT (6%)

infradom commented 9 months ago

The default values should include all the charges that are calculated on a per kWh basis (see your bill). It may depend slightly on the region (I am Imewo region. (or maybe Fluvius West).


prijs_consumptie = (ENTSOE Factor_A + Factor_B) BTW_consumptie prijs_injectie = (ENTSOE Factor_C + Factor_D) BTW_injectie Factor_A = 0.00102 Factor B = 0.004 + 0.0378329 + 0.0019 + 0.0475 + 0.0165 + 0.0028 ( kost ecopower + fluvius afname + bijdrage energie + bijz accijns + kosten groene stroom + WKK) Factor_C = 0.00085 Factor_D = 0.004 BTW_consumptie = 1.06 BTW_injectie = 1.00

If you use the Nordpol integration as backup for my integration you do not need to declare addtional costs, as my integration will add them

infradom commented 9 months ago

Sorry, I was confused, and answered for the wrong integration. I have also created a new integration that can be used for ecopower, but also for other companies: See The information given above is for this integration