infused-kim / zmk-config-sofle

A zmk config optimized for the sofle keyboard
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Zephyr West issue. #5

Open AppsByCole opened 1 year ago

AppsByCole commented 1 year ago

After forking this respository with no changes, running the build will encounter the following error. This causes the build to fail. Any explanation on how I can get around this would be helpful. `Run west build -s zmk/app -b nice_nano_v2 -- -DZMK_CONFIG=${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/config -DSHIELD=sofle_left WARNING: can't find the zephyr repository

infused-kim commented 1 year ago

This config and my zmk fork are too outdated. I’m not sure what this issue is and since I am now using a different keyboard, I don’t have the time to look into this and figure it out.

I recommend using urob’s zmk fork. But you will lose split encoder support.

I don’t think anyone rebased the split encoder PR to the latest zmk version.