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Not able to do npm install after cloning the repo #2176

Open rajkeshwar opened 6 months ago

rajkeshwar commented 6 months ago

Expected behavior

npm install should work fine.

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. npm install after git clone is working for some extends installing the libraries. But breaks with the error message below.

request to failed, reason: connect ENETUNREACH 2606:4700::6810:1922:443 - Local (:::65003)

Actual Behavior

npm install fails

Describe what happens instead. Best via a live code reproduction. To create one click the link below and edit away. Once the error is reproduced fork/safe and link it.

Additional context

Which component and version of it are you using.

Ravi-Upadhyay commented 3 months ago

@rajkeshwar, these troubleshooting steps might help.

  1. Check if you have the latest versions of Node and NPM running.

    Tip: I would recommend using npm doctor command in the installation folder for a quick overview.

  2. If that does not work out, share more details