ing-bank / scruid

Scala + Druid: Scruid. A library that allows you to compose queries in Scala, and parse the result back into typesafe classes.
Apache License 2.0
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Release v2.4.0 #97

Closed anskarl closed 4 years ago

anskarl commented 4 years ago

Since v2.3.0, an outline of the new features and changes is given below:

Is it possible to proceed with a new release of Scruid library (v2.4.0)?


barend commented 4 years ago

If it were released as-is I would be okay with that, but there are a couple of things I would like to fix before the release:

barend commented 4 years ago

I'll create a PR with some pre release housekeeping

barend commented 4 years ago

Pull request ready for review. Resolving those Akka shutdown warnings turns out not to be really feasibly. There are tons of issues mentioning them, which are unresolved since 2015 or so. That suggests it's a tough one.

anskarl commented 4 years ago

Indeed it's a an old and unresolved issue regarding the Akka shutdown error message. The error message in Scruid is fired from the logging of cachedHostConnectionPool Flow. When, for example, comment out the .log("scruid-load-balancer", _ => s"Sending query to ${}:${queryHost.port}") part in DruidAdvancedHttpClient.scala then the error message is not exposed.

I think it is safe leave it unchanged. Perhaps in a future release of Akka it may be resolved.

mmartina commented 4 years ago

Hi Anastasios, we expect to complete release 2.4.0 before the end of this week. best regards, Marcus Martina

mmartina commented 4 years ago

released :)