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Gather Performance #198

Open ManApart opened 4 years ago

ManApart commented 4 years ago

Given 10 million small messages, Gather processed around 8,000 messages a second. This is slightly slower than receive. Additional width and depth of the messages reduced performance, but at a somewhat linear rate.


Messages to Process Width of Message (# Fields) Depth of Fields Total Fields Length of Field Values Messages Processed Start Time End Time Time to process Messages / Second
1,003,599 50 1 50 20   1585316814748 1585317735407 920.66 1,090.09
1,000,000 50 1 50 100   1585323420903 1585325627909 2,207.01 453.10
1,000,000 1 10 10 20   1585334262999 1585334530196 267.20 3,742.56

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