inhumantsar / slurp

Slurps webpages and saves them as clean, uncluttered Markdown. Think Pocket, but better.
MIT License
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Slurping triggered Templater... #24

Open Truncated opened 2 months ago

Truncated commented 2 months ago

This was fun. :)

I tried slurping this: The forums generally can't be targeted by Slurp effectively, but this one was a single post so I wanted to see if I could save the snippet.

I got a page, and immediately was prompted with the folder selection list that the templater example had. My Templater configuration does not have a configured folder overlapping the slurp directory, fwiw.

Page in slurped target folder:

TITLE: Create file after choosing a folder
site: Obsidian Forum
date: 2022-03-19T16:00
excerpt: This is a templater script for creating a file after choosing a
  folder  (make sure to put in your template folder and invoke it through open
  insert templater modal command)  slurped: 2024-05-09T16:43:53.634Z
title: Create file after choosing a folder

![Obsidian Forum]()


Log - this test was controlled and prepped, but since the configuration doesn't have a clear log or insert break, I copied before and after and used Beyond Compare to find the new stuff.

1715273033628 | DEBUG | attempting to parse prop metadata
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"meta[name=\"page.content.source\"], meta[property=\"{s}\"], meta[itemprop=\"{s}\"], meta[http-equiv=\"{s}\"]"
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"meta[name=\"twitter:site\"], meta[property=\"{s}\"], meta[itemprop=\"{s}\"], meta[http-equiv=\"{s}\"]"
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1715273033628 | DEBUG | found prop elements
"meta[name=\"article:published_time\"], meta[property=\"{s}\"], meta[itemprop=\"{s}\"], meta[http-equiv=\"{s}\"]"
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"meta[name=\"parsely-pub-date\"], meta[property=\"{s}\"], meta[itemprop=\"{s}\"], meta[http-equiv=\"{s}\"]"
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"meta[name=\"datePublished\"], meta[property=\"{s}\"], meta[itemprop=\"{s}\"], meta[http-equiv=\"{s}\"]"
1715273033628 | DEBUG | found prop elements
"meta[name=\"article.published\"], meta[property=\"{s}\"], meta[itemprop=\"{s}\"], meta[http-equiv=\"{s}\"]"
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inhumantsar commented 2 months ago

Pages are sanitized on their way in but it's not going to be looking for Obsidian scripts like that.

I will look into stripping those <% bits out but tbh I'm surprised that Obsidian's own sanitization doesn't handle this.

Truncated commented 2 months ago

I may be misunderstanding what you mean here, but I would greatly prefer not stripping anything out - the code was what I wanted to record, specifically. Is what you're talking about some kind of add / remove process where you sanitize the <% with some other characters and then find/replace them after they are on the page, where the end result is still the content but side-stepping the Templater eval process?

This specific parsing is from Templater, not Obsidian, so I wouldn't expect sanitization built-in.

It's probably something that would require integration effort from both slurp and Templater. I didn't see an API or integration section in their documentation, unfortunately, but I haven't checked the issues to see if this is a thing in closed or open issues.

inhumantsar commented 2 months ago

Yeah I would sanitize those characters, ideally just by prefixing them with \, before the page is written to prevent them from being evaluated.