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How to install Inidun notebook locally #6

Closed fredrik1984 closed 3 years ago

fredrik1984 commented 3 years ago

Follow these steps to install the humlab-inidun package:


Chocolatey (Windows 10, recommended). Chocolatey is a Windows package installer that simplifies installation of pyenv and Python. To install Chocolatey you can follow these instructions. Python 3.8.5 Run python --version to determine the current version. Use pyenv to install Python 3.8.5: Pyenv (recommended) Pyenv enables easy switching between different Python versions. Use install instructions in automatic installer.

curl | bash
exec $SHELL

If you are installing on MacOS:

brew install xz

Install and set Python 3.8.5 as (user) global version:

pyenv install 3.8.5
pyenv global 3.8.5     (optional)
pyenv activate 3.8.5   (to activate this specific version)

Poetry Poetry is the Python package manager (comparable to pipenv) used by this project, and is needed in order to install humlab-inidun in a separate and isolated environment. See this link on how to install Poetry. Note that Python 3.8.5 must be activated before installing Poetry.

On Linux/MacOS:

pyenv activate 3.8.5
python --version
curl -sSL | python -
poetry --version

On Windows

pyenv shell 3.8.5
python --version
pip install poetry
poetry --version

Please restart the terminal upon completed install.

Install humlab-inidun

  1. Create a local folder (e.g. humlab-inidun-deploy)
  2. Open a terminal in the very same folder
  3. Run the following commands:
    poetry self update

In directory

poetry init --python 3.8.5 poetry add humlab-inidun

Install Node (if not already installed)
Use `brew` to install Node on MacOS:
brew install node

Windows 10: Download installer from this link.

Install Jupyter Lab extensions and NLTK data

poetry run python -m nltk.downloader stopwords punkt sentiwordnet

poetry run jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager @bokeh/jupyter_bokeh jupyter-matplotlib  jupyterlab-jupytext ipyaggrid qgrid2

git clone

Run the Jupyter Notebooks

  1. Open a terminal in the humlab-inidun folder
  2. Activate Python 3.8.5: pyenv activate 3.8.5 (MacOS) or pyenv shell 3.8.5 (Windows 10)
  3. Activate the humlab-inidun isolated environment: poetry shell
  4. Start Jupyter Lab: jupyter lab .