inikep / lzbench

lzbench is an in-memory benchmark of open-source LZ77/LZSS/LZMA compressors
866 stars 181 forks source link

Feedback #33

Closed Sanmayce closed 4 years ago

Sanmayce commented 7 years ago

Question #1: When -eglza was used (in the command line below) the desktop froze (the Task manager in the tray went 100%) and I couldn't even break the process?!

Question #2:

In previous .BAT files (that invoked lzbench.exe) the %1 was transformed into the actual filename, in 1.7.1 I see in the Filename column:

D:\Nakamichi_Washigan+\Washigan+_vs_lzbench_vs_TurboBench_(LzTurbo-OFFICIAL_vs_Zstd_vs_Oodle)_2017-Mar-20>lzbench171 -c4 -j15 -o3 -ebrotli24,11/tornado,16/blosclz,9/brieflz/crush,2/csc,5/density,3/fastlz,2/gipfeli/zstd,12,22/zstd24,12,22/lzo1b,999/lzham,4/lzham24,4/libdeflate,12/lz4/lz4hc,10,12/lizard,19,29,39,49/lzf,1/lzfse/lzg,9/lzham,1/lzjb/lzlib,9/lzma,9/lzrw,5/lzsse2,17/lzsse4,17/lzsse8,17/lzvn/pithy,9/quicklz,3/snappy/slz_zlib,3/ucl_nrv2b,9/ucl_nrv2d,9/ucl_nrv2e,9/xpack,9/xz,9/yalz77,12/yappy,99/yappy,9999/zlib,9/zling,4/shrinker/wflz/lzmat Project_Gutenberg_EBook_of_The_Complete_Works_of_William_Shakespeare.txt
lzbench 1.7.1 (64-bit Windows)   Assembled by P.Skibinski
Compressor name         Compress. Decompress.  Orig. size  Compr. size  Ratio Filename
memcpy                   5584 MB/s  5548 MB/s     5589889      5589889 100.00 1 files
done... (cIters=1 dIters=1 cTime=1.0 dTime=2.0 chunkSize=1706MB cSpeed=0MB)

The results sorted by column number 4:
Compressor name         Compress. Decompress.  Orig. size  Compr. size  Ratio Filename
csc 2016-10-13 -5        2.31 MB/s    36 MB/s     5589889      1546709  27.67 1 files
brotli24 2017-03-10 -11  0.34 MB/s   216 MB/s     5589889      1564776  27.99 1 files

Question #3:

How do I set 15 decompression iterations, I tried -j15 but the reported ones are ... 1 i.e. dIters=1:

D:\Nakamichi_Washigan+\Washigan+_vs_lzbench_vs_TurboBench_(LzTurbo-OFFICIAL_vs_Zstd_vs_Oodle)_2017-Mar-20>lzbench171 -c4 -j15 -o3 -ebrotli24,11/tornado,16/blosclz,9/brieflz/crush,2/csc,5/density,3/fastlz,2/gipfeli/zstd,12,22/zstd24,12,22/lzo1b,999/lzham,4/lzham24,4/libdeflate,12/lz4/lz4hc,10,12/lizard,19,29,39,49/lzf,1/lzfse/lzg,9/lzham,1/lzjb/lzlib,9/lzma,9/lzrw,5/lzsse2,17/lzsse4,17/lzsse8,17/lzvn/pithy,9/quicklz,3/snappy/slz_zlib,3/ucl_nrv2b,9/ucl_nrv2d,9/ucl_nrv2e,9/xpack,9/xz,9/yalz77,12/yappy,99/yappy,9999/zlib,9/zling,4/shrinker/wflz/lzmat Project_Gutenberg_EBook_of_The_Complete_Works_of_William_Shakespeare.txt
lzbench 1.7.1 (64-bit Windows)   Assembled by P.Skibinski
Compressor name         Compress. Decompress.  Orig. size  Compr. size  Ratio Filename
memcpy                   5584 MB/s  5548 MB/s     5589889      5589889 100.00 1 files
done... (cIters=1 dIters=1 cTime=1.0 dTime=2.0 chunkSize=1706MB cSpeed=0MB)

Question #4:

Could you provide a link with MinGW package which contains 'make'? I tried the latest one with GCC 6.3.0 and put 'make.exe' into bin folder but there were errors during compile:

'cc' not recognized ... and others.

I wonder how such a BASIC and must-have process is not clear even to me let alone other users wanting to compile with 'make'.

And as always, one quick test with latest 1.7.1 lzbench, my laptop with Core 2 Q9550s @2.83GHz was used:


03/19/2017  12:14 PM         9,816,348 lzbench171.exe
02/08/2017  12:48 AM             1,632 MokujIN GREEN 224 prompt.lnk
03/19/2017  01:06 PM           156,672 Nakamichi_Washigan+_(1xQWORD+1xXMM)_Intel_15.0_64bit_SSE41.exe
03/06/2017  06:55 PM         5,589,889 Project_Gutenberg_EBook_of_The_Complete_Works_of_William_Shakespeare.txt
03/06/2017  10:12 PM         2,026,440 Project_Gutenberg_EBook_of_The_Complete_Works_of_William_Shakespeare.txt.L17.LZSSE2
03/06/2017  10:12 PM         1,994,028 Project_Gutenberg_EBook_of_The_Complete_Works_of_William_Shakespeare.txt.Nakamichi
03/19/2017  12:12 AM               640 _BENCH_a_file.BAT

D:\Nakamichi_Washigan+\Washigan+_vs_lzbench_vs_TurboBench_(LzTurbo-OFFICIAL_vs_Zstd_vs_Oodle)_2017-Mar-20>_BENCH_a_file.BAT Project_Gutenberg_EBook_of_The_Complete_Works_of_William_Shakespeare.txt

D:\Nakamichi_Washigan+\Washigan+_vs_lzbench_vs_TurboBench_(LzTurbo-OFFICIAL_vs_Zstd_vs_Oodle)_2017-Mar-20>"Nakamichi_Washigan+_(1xQWORD+1xXMM)_Intel_15.0_64bit_SSE41.exe" Project_Gutenberg_EBook_of_The_Complete_Works_of_William_Shakespeare.txt.Nakamichi /bench
Nakamichi 'Washigan+', written by Kaze, based on Nobuo Ito's LZSS source, babealicious suggestion by m^2 enforced, muffinesque suggestion by Jim Dempsey enforced.
Note0: Nakamichi 'Eye-of-the-Eagle' is 100% FREE, licenseless that is.
Note1: Hamid Buzidi's LzTurbo ([a] FASTEST [Textual] Decompressor, Levels 19/39) retains kingship, his TurboBench (2016-Dec-26) proves the supremacy of LzTurbo, Turbo-Amazing!
Note2: Conor Stokes' LZSSE2 ([a] FASTEST Textual Decompressor, Level 17) is embedded, all credits along with many thanks go to him.
Note3: 'Washigan' predecessors are 'Okamigan', 'Zato', 'Tsubame', 'Tengu-Tsuyo' and 'Tengu'.
Note4: This compile can handle files up to 5120MB.
Note5: The matchfinder/memmem() is 'Railgun_BawBaw_reverse'.
Note6: Instead of '_mm_loadu_si128' '_mm_lddqu_si128' is used.
Note7: The lookahead 'Tsuyo' heuristic which looks one char ahead is applied thrice, still not strengthened, though.
Note8: The compile made 2017-Mar-19, the decompression time measuring is done in 16x8 passes choosing the top score from 64 back-to-back runs - the goal - to enter [maximal] Turbo Mode.
Note9: Just to reduce the codesize, the 3xQWORD become (in this compile) 1xQWORD+1xXMMWORD.
NoteA: Please send me (at decompression results obtained on machines with fast CPU-RAM subsystems.
Current priority class is REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS.
Allocating Source-Buffer 1 MB ...
Allocating Target-Buffer 5,120 MB ...
Decompressing 1,994,028 bytes (being the compressed stream) ...
Warming up ...
RAM-to-RAM performance:
451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 439 MB/s; 419 MB/s
Enforcing 17 seconds idling to avoid throttling ...
451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s
Enforcing 17 seconds idling to avoid throttling ...
451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s
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451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 450 MB/s; 441 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 452 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s
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451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s
Enforcing 17 seconds idling to avoid throttling ...
450 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s; 451 MB/s
Enforcing 17 seconds idling to avoid throttling ...
This CPU seems to be working at 2,829 MHz, or more due to ensleeping.
RAM-to-RAM (peak) performance: 452 MB/s.
Source-file-Hash(FNV1A_YoshimitsuTRIAD) = 0x89b2,0682
Target-file-Hash(FNV1A_YoshimitsuTRIAD) = 0x4e34,ebb9
Allocating Source-Buffer 1 MB ...
Allocating Target-Buffer 5,120 MB ...
Decompressing 'Project_Gutenberg_EBook_of_The_Complete_Works_of_William_Shakespeare.txt.L17.LZSSE2' (2,026,440 bytes, being the compressed stream) ...
Warming up ...
RAM-to-RAM performance:
766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s
Enforcing 17 seconds idling to avoid throttling ...
766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s
Enforcing 17 seconds idling to avoid throttling ...
768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s
Enforcing 17 seconds idling to avoid throttling ...
766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 764 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 754 MB/s; 721 MB/s; 721 MB/s; 712 MB/s; 721 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 732 MB/s; 710 MB/s
Enforcing 17 seconds idling to avoid throttling ...
766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s
Enforcing 17 seconds idling to avoid throttling ...
766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 764 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s
Enforcing 17 seconds idling to avoid throttling ...
766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s
Enforcing 17 seconds idling to avoid throttling ...
768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 764 MB/s; 770 MB/s; 768 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s; 766 MB/s
Enforcing 17 seconds idling to avoid throttling ...
This CPU seems to be working at 2,829 MHz, or more due to ensleeping.
RAM-to-RAM (peak) performance: 770 MB/s.
Nakamichi 'Washigan+' vs LZSSE2 17, c.size: 0.98x
LZSSE2 17 vs Nakamichi 'Washigan+', d.rate: 1.70x
Nakamichi 'Washigan+' expanding 2.80x to 5,589,889 at 452 MB/s.

D:\Nakamichi_Washigan+\Washigan+_vs_lzbench_vs_TurboBench_(LzTurbo-OFFICIAL_vs_Zstd_vs_Oodle)_2017-Mar-20>lzbench171 -c4 -j15 -o3 -ebrotli24,11/tornado,16/blosclz,9/brieflz/crush,2/csc,5/density,3/fastlz,2/gipfeli/zstd,12,22/zstd24,12,22/lzo1b,999/lzham,4/lzham24,4/libdeflate,12/lz4/lz4hc,10,12/lizard,19,29,39,49/lzf,1/lzfse/lzg,9/lzham,1/lzjb/lzlib,9/lzma,9/lzrw,5/lzsse2,17/lzsse4,17/lzsse8,17/lzvn/pithy,9/quicklz,3/snappy/slz_zlib,3/ucl_nrv2b,9/ucl_nrv2d,9/ucl_nrv2e,9/xpack,9/xz,9/yalz77,12/yappy,99/yappy,9999/zlib,9/zling,4/shrinker/wflz/lzmat Project_Gutenberg_EBook_of_The_Complete_Works_of_William_Shakespeare.txt
lzbench 1.7.1 (64-bit Windows)   Assembled by P.Skibinski
Compressor name         Compress. Decompress.  Orig. size  Compr. size  Ratio Filename
memcpy                   5584 MB/s  5548 MB/s     5589889      5589889 100.00 1 files
done... (cIters=1 dIters=1 cTime=1.0 dTime=2.0 chunkSize=1706MB cSpeed=0MB)

The results sorted by column number 4:
Compressor name         Compress. Decompress.  Orig. size  Compr. size  Ratio Filename
csc 2016-10-13 -5        2.31 MB/s    36 MB/s     5589889      1546709  27.67 1 files
brotli24 2017-03-10 -11  0.34 MB/s   216 MB/s     5589889      1564776  27.99 1 files
lzlib 1.8 -9             1.26 MB/s    37 MB/s     5589889      1565357  28.00 1 files
xz 5.2.3 -9              1.36 MB/s    51 MB/s     5589889      1566465  28.02 1 files
lzma 16.04 -9            1.20 MB/s    58 MB/s     5589889      1566595  28.03 1 files
tornado 0.6a -16         1.64 MB/s   131 MB/s     5589889      1579551  28.26 1 files
zstd 1.1.4 -22           1.50 MB/s   369 MB/s     5589889      1582233  28.31 1 files
zstd24 1.1.4 -22         1.49 MB/s   368 MB/s     5589889      1582233  28.31 1 files
lzham24 1.0 -4           0.91 MB/s   127 MB/s     5589889      1585461  28.36 1 files
lzham 1.0 -d26 -4        0.91 MB/s   126 MB/s     5589889      1586475  28.38 1 files
lzham 1.0 -d26 -1        1.41 MB/s   113 MB/s     5589889      1721336  30.79 1 files
zling 2016-01-10 -4        21 MB/s    98 MB/s     5589889      1726028  30.88 1 files
zstd 1.1.4 -12           6.46 MB/s   361 MB/s     5589889      1775255  31.76 1 files
zstd24 1.1.4 -12         6.49 MB/s   361 MB/s     5589889      1775255  31.76 1 files
crush 1.0 -2             0.26 MB/s   193 MB/s     5589889      1829442  32.73 1 files
lizard 1.0 -49           1.42 MB/s   506 MB/s     5589889      1845619  33.02 1 files
xpack 2016-06-02 -9      8.63 MB/s   315 MB/s     5589889      1896917  33.93 1 files
libdeflate 0.7 -12       4.40 MB/s   344 MB/s     5589889      1933067  34.58 1 files
lizard 1.0 -39           3.68 MB/s   615 MB/s     5589889      1961496  35.09 1 files

Nakamichi 'Washigan+'                452 MB/s                  1994028

zlib 1.2.11 -9           5.48 MB/s   184 MB/s     5589889      2023362  36.20 1 files
lzsse2 2016-05-14 -17    4.19 MB/s   808 MB/s     5589889      2026440  36.25 1 files
lzsse4 2016-05-14 -17    4.90 MB/s   717 MB/s     5589889      2037489  36.45 1 files
lzfse 2017-03-08           27 MB/s   321 MB/s     5589889      2050530  36.68 1 files
lzsse8 2016-05-14 -17    4.55 MB/s   684 MB/s     5589889      2058358  36.82 1 files
ucl_nrv2e 1.03 -9        0.86 MB/s   145 MB/s     5589889      2186081  39.11 1 files
lizard 1.0 -29           1.48 MB/s   699 MB/s     5589889      2209160  39.52 1 files
ucl_nrv2d 1.03 -9        0.86 MB/s   145 MB/s     5589889      2212936  39.59 1 files
lzo1b 2.09 -999          7.05 MB/s   367 MB/s     5589889      2239176  40.06 1 files
ucl_nrv2b 1.03 -9        0.86 MB/s   146 MB/s     5589889      2261637  40.46 1 files
lz4hc 1.7.5 -12          5.14 MB/s   899 MB/s     5589889      2274994  40.70 1 files
lizard 1.0 -19           3.84 MB/s   796 MB/s     5589889      2277091  40.74 1 files
lz4hc 1.7.5 -10          9.53 MB/s   910 MB/s     5589889      2305281  41.24 1 files
lzmat 1.01                 11 MB/s   182 MB/s     5589889      2338743  41.84 1 files
brieflz 1.1.0              57 MB/s   100 MB/s     5589889      2453497  43.89 1 files
lzg 1.0.8 -9             1.09 MB/s   394 MB/s     5589889      2490683  44.56 1 files
lzvn 2017-03-08            23 MB/s   437 MB/s     5589889      2580181  46.16 1 files
gipfeli 2016-07-13        134 MB/s   227 MB/s     5589889      2584769  46.24 1 files
yalz77 2015-09-19 -12      19 MB/s   180 MB/s     5589889      2599486  46.50 1 files
quicklz 1.5.0 -3           25 MB/s   423 MB/s     5589889      2619697  46.86 1 files
density 0.12.5 beta -3    183 MB/s   160 MB/s     5589889      2650239  47.41 1 files
lzrw 15-Jul-1991 -5        60 MB/s   226 MB/s     5589889      2663632  47.65 1 files
pithy 2011-12-24 -9       173 MB/s   598 MB/s     5589889      2789253  49.90 1 files
shrinker 0.1              143 MB/s   425 MB/s     5589889      3010365  53.85 1 files
fastlz 0.1 -2             137 MB/s   270 MB/s     5589889      3069586  54.91 1 files
lzf 3.6 -1                147 MB/s   328 MB/s     5589889      3071349  54.94 1 files
yappy 2014-03-22 -9999     36 MB/s   630 MB/s     5589889      3086825  55.22 1 files
yappy 2014-03-22 -99       37 MB/s   630 MB/s     5589889      3087556  55.23 1 files
blosclz 2015-11-10 -9     118 MB/s   285 MB/s     5589889      3143838  56.24 1 files
slz_zlib 1.0.0 -3         106 MB/s   155 MB/s     5589889      3166645  56.65 1 files
snappy 1.1.4              153 MB/s   458 MB/s     5589889      3288674  58.83 1 files
lz4 1.7.5                 181 MB/s  1002 MB/s     5589889      3334631  59.65 1 files
wflz 2015-09-16           125 MB/s   399 MB/s     5589889      3775542  67.54 1 files
lzjb 2010                 118 MB/s   261 MB/s     5589889      4000806  71.57 1 files

Done. To copy the console content into clipboard: 1] Right Click 2] Select All 3] Enter

To reproduce the above test: (8,878,706 bytes):!AmWWFXGMzDmEgni1UrZIf60UUy00

Washigan+_TurboBench_53-files-tested.pdf (47,901,915 bytes):!AmWWFXGMzDmEgnmI0fYXMKAiIQH-

inikep commented 7 years ago
  1. glza uses multithreading so the following option can help (for me Ctrl+C usually works after some time): -x disable real-time process priority
  2. & 3. The -j option has changed:
    -iX,Y set min. number of compression and decompression iterations (default = 1, 1)
    -j    join files in memory but compress them independently (for many small files)
  3. I'm using but the following should work with compilers from mingw32-make.exe CC=gcc
Sanmayce commented 7 years ago

Hi inikep, another feedback from me:

I bought 'Compressionette' yesterday, a lot of tests await ahead. Whenever you need some file (<500MB, since she has only 8GB RAM) benchmarked just let me know, I will run it for you, i5-7200u is the base for me.

inikep commented 7 years ago

Congratulations on buying a new laptop.

Sanmayce commented 7 years ago

Thanks, the moneylessness did hurt my benchmark feelings big time, so 'Compressionette' comes saving the year. To me, the more fun time one gadget brings to the people the more is its value, hopefully this petite toy will live up to her name bringing useful rosters/benchmarks. It is amusing to compare TDP 15W CPU with monstrous TDP 150W ones.

Sanmayce commented 7 years ago

Finally we have 'Bible' benchmark run by AMD Ryzen:

Sanmayce commented 7 years ago

Have been sidetracked by several things, now back to creating that booklet of textual [de]compression benchmarked:

My goal, by the end of august to reach 80 files in that roster. The idea is stats for each file to be presented on two adjacent pages, as these:

The main thing about this booklet, called 'Textual Madness', is the richness of compressors used, and the cool thing about it is its reproducibility - each file can be retested - a download link is given for each file.

The console tool LZ5 is quite useful, also Lizard's modes appear superbly balanced, with non-textual data they show extra high speeds, sadly only few such files will appear in the roster.

Sanmayce commented 6 years ago

Happy new year inikep, and thanks for the new lzbench. You are welcome to see/download the latest textual package running lzbench 1.7.3:

smashshop_2018-jan-06_judaica pdf

inikep commented 6 years ago

Happy New Year. Thanks for the results.