inikulin / ineed

Web scraping and HTML-reprocessing. The easy way.
MIT License
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Phantomjs or Casperjs with Ineed #4

Open SteveEmmerich opened 8 years ago

SteveEmmerich commented 8 years ago

Hello, I am new to webscraping and I am trying to crawl and collect links on a site to learn more about it. I really like how easy your package is to use but was curious if/how you could use it with phantom or casper. Do you have any examples you could share with me or tutorials I could look at? I am also looking at using simplecrawler with ineed as well.

inikulin commented 8 years ago

Hello, I'm not sure I understand how you would like to integrate it with Phantom and Casper, since it's standalone node/iojs lib.